Geliat Airlangga gives education on Covid-19 preventive measures for Islamic boarding schools

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UNAIR NEWS – COVID-19 has been a concern worldwide since its first appearance in Wuhan City and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. It has certainly been the attention of Indonesia, especially East Java which has become one of the areas affected by COVID-19.

Handling the COVID-19 pandemic requires the involvement and cooperation of various levels of society in accordance with the conditions and situations in each area. Islamic boarding schools are one of the places that require special attention because in addition to being a place to study the religion academically, it is also the second home for their students.

Handling COVID-19 in the boarding school environment requires special adjustments. Thus, Geliat Airlangga held a web-based seminar on “Geliat Movement with Islamic Boarding Schools in Facing COVID-19” on Friday, October 9, 2020.

The webinar, which is carried out through an online platform and streamed live on YouTube, was aimded specifically for leaders, caregivers, administrators (ustadz and ustadzah), the Islamic Boarding School COVID-19 Task Force, Islamic boarding school health practitioners, and students. Promotional and preventive measures related to COVID-19 were presented by three speakers, Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., MS, Alissa Wahid, and Dr. M. Atoillah Isfandiari, dr., M.Kes .; and moderated by Hario Megatsari, SKM., M.Kes, lecturer of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga.

“With the involvement of Islamic boarding schools, faith is also important. Not only immunity, safety, but faith is also an important part as well, and we must also convey it to all levels of society, “said Dr. Santi Martini  dr., M.Kes., Dean of Faculty of Public Health UNAIR.

“It seems that the involvement of the Islamic boarding school is a very important pillar as well so it strengthens us all that this pandemic must be overcome with the involvement of all parties,” added Santi.

In addition, Muhamad Koderi, Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, in his remarks said that standardization in looking at the issue is indeed different.

“If it’s outside, maybe we used 3M, that’s the formal standard. But when you enter the boarding school, it’s a little different. First, because this is a part of the house so the activity is of course somewhat different. Of course, 24 hours it will be supervised by the caregivers. So, the health of these caregivers becomes important,” said Muhamad Koderi.

Meanwhile, Abdur Rosyid, board of the Mamba’ul Ma’arif Islamic Boarding School, said that the boarding school tightens curfew, increases immunity, and improves diet. “We do all that, including maintaining the psychology of the students,” said Abdur Rosyid.

Alissa Wahid, a psychologist from the Institute for Family Welfare, Nadhlatul Ulama, said that there are three most important principles of behavior change, including modeling and habituation.

“In principle, repetition is the core lesson of learning, don’t give up quickly caretakers. And the last one is reinforcement with two principles, measurement to determine improvement and reward / punishment), “said Alissa.

Dr. M. Atoillah Isfandiari, dr., M.Kes. added that in dealing with this pandemic, a tawazun attitude, meaning not exaggerating, can be used either in terms of ignorance or panic.

“I agree that heat can kill the Coronavirus. But why in Indonesia, with hot weather, there are so many cases? Well, because the population is too dense, so you haven’t had the chance to get enough heat, and the virus has stuck to other people. More or less so, “he added.

Author: Aisyah Tsabita Zaki Ihsani

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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