Understanding workload pressure, role ambiguity and job satisfaction

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Illustration by Rencanamu

The company’s dependence on human resources can be seen in the form of employees’ activity in preparing plans, systems, processes, and objectives to be achieved in the company. Therefore, job satisfaction of employees should get special attention in an organization.

Based on the preliminary observation’s result at PT. Pegadaian Syariah Area XII Surabaya there was a role ambiguity experienced by the employees because they get an assignment beyond its main task. Consequently, it increases the employees’ workload and makes them feel the pressure in which they can harm themselves if they cannot organize the load properly. For example, the employees cannot concentrate on their work and decrease their productivity. Work pressure is also felt by the employees as they get additional assignment from incompetent senior and delegated work from other employees. They feel oppressed because they get additional task that should not be their responsibility. The observation also indicated that the level of absenteeism increased during January to March period. The high-level of absenteeism indicated that there was job dissatisfaction.

Baron, et al. (2004) stated that role ambiguity is a situation where employees feel uncertain about the needs of their work and about the convenient way how the work is done. While Workload pressure according to the Minister of Utilization of State Apparatus (Menpan) (2010) is a set or some activities that must be completed by an organizational unit or office officials in a certain period of time. Job satisfaction is the level of individual satisfaction upon his position in the organization compared to other coworkers. It is an attitude held by the individual in his work. Such attitudes arise as a result of each individual to their work.


Analysis techniques of this study are based on data obtained from company’s internal sources and questionnaires results that have been distributed. Then, they are processed using statistical methods through some tests as follows: Validity test, Reliability Test, and Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the analysis and discussion that has been carried out, this study concluded that workload pressure has negative significant effect towards job satisfaction on employees of PT. Pegadaian Sharia Unit in Surabaya. Moreover, role ambiguity has negative significant effect towards job satisfaction on employees of PT Pegadaian Sharia Unit in Surabaya.

Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, S.E., M. Si.

Link: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23913.pdf Asnia Purwaningsih, Anis Eliyana, Ahmad Rizki Sridadi (2019), Understanding Workload Pressure, Role Ambiguity and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development , 3 (4): 1162-1168. URL: https: //www.ijtsrd.c om / papers / ijtsrd23 913.pdf

https://www.ijtsrd.c om/papers/ijtsrd23 913.pdf

Asnia Purwaningsih, Anis Eliyana, Ahmad Rizki Sridadi (2019), Understanding Workload Pressure, Role Ambiguity and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4): 1162-1168. URL: https://www.ijtsrd.c om/papers/ijtsrd23 913.pdf

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