Improving school-age children in vegetable consumption through Think Pair and Share (TPS)

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Consuming food with a balanced nutritional menu needs to be familiarized with school-age children. School-age children have a lot of physical activity and rapid physical growth, so it is essential to pay attention to the nutritional content in each food menu consumed. Vegetables and fruit are one of the nutritional needs that are rarely liked and are often ignored by school-age children. They tend to prefer foods that are attractive and delicious but do not have adequate nutritional quality. Vegetables are one of the essential foods that must be consumed at every meal because they are one of the requirements in fulfilling a balanced nutritional menu. The diet that is applied at the age of children will affect the diet as an adult so getting children to eat vegetables from an early age is very important. The results of the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS 2014) found that 83.64% of school-age children in Indonesia consume fewer vegetables because children often experience a difficult phase of eating, especially difficulty eating vegetables. Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2013, it was found that on average, 93.5% of the Indonesian population consumed fewer fruits and vegetables.

Many factors cause children to be less accustomed to consuming vegetables and fruit, including the characteristics of the child/individual, parental characteristics and environmental factors. Children prefer junk food, the majority of which do not provide a vegetable and fruit menu. Parents have an essential role in the diet consumed by children, besides parents also need to balance the child’s behaviour. Children’s behaviour in consuming vegetables and fruit needs to be improved by increasing the knowledge capacity of school-age children about the importance of vegetables and fruit through health education. However, Health Education is rarely able to attract children’s attention if the method is not right.

Children, especially school-aged children, are active individuals and like group interactions with peers. Health education with the right method will be able to attract children’s attention. It will later be able to become a facility for children to learn about the behaviour of consuming healthy foods with a balanced menu. Health education using the method Think Pair Share (TPS)is suitable for school-age children because children will try to think, respond to each other and help each other in discussions. TPS is one of the Health Education methods that can increase the attractiveness of school-age children. The TPS cooperative learning model is a learning method that aims to make school-age children go through the process and be able to think (think), discuss in pairs, and share knowledge (share) to solve and learn a topic in the form of group collaboration.

The results of this study indicate that before being given health education, most of the respondents already had experience in getting health education about the importance of consuming vegetables. However, it was still found that more than half of the respondents had less knowledge about vegetable consumption, and some respondents had negative attitudes. This condition changed after being given Health Education with TPS; the majority of respondents had good knowledge about vegetable consumption. It is not only the respondent’s knowledge that changes, but also attitudes. After giving Health Education about the importance of consuming vegetables using the TPS method, the majority of respondents showed a positive attitude towards consuming vegetables as a diet. This TPS learning model invites school-age children to have the ability to process information and communication and contribute to the development of thinking skills. Besides, the TPS learning method can invite school-age children to be active and cooperative in participation and cooperation in groups, and children are increasingly motivated because they are encouraged from peers and the motivation to help each other.

Author: Praba Diyan Rachmawati

Detail Information: Journal of Global Pharma Technology, Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 774-779. Think pair share (TPS) method improves knowledge and attitude of school-age children in vegetable consumption = s & st1 = Rachmawati & st2 = Praba + Diyan & nlo = 1 & nlr = 20 & nls = count-f & sid = 4d5ec6d22aef3361661825888c92ff31 & sot = anl & sdt = aut & sl = 44 & s = AU-ID% 28% 22Rachmawati & cite% 2262% 29 & cnt search + search

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