Story from one of Future Dentist with her business in culinary

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UNAIR NEWS – As Thomas Alva Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” It plays a crucial role in the formation of a strong mentality and tenacity in entrepreneurship.

With that kind of spirit, Annisa Fitria Sari from Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) 2017 implemented it on her business since she was in Elementary School (SD).

“At that time, I was in elementary school, and my parents encouraged me to have a business. I still remember that I sell water balloons made of soap,” explained Annisa on Tuesday, August 11.

Besides that, Annisa continues to grow and improve her skill in business. Her parents taught her to be strong in facing several obstacles. Annisa admitted that the spirit of her parents inspired her to have business as well.

“My father also used to sell shoes to his colleagues at the hospital. It inspires me to do business as well,” added the girl who was born in Surakarta, February 11, 1999.

Annisa has started the food business dim sum around September 2019, which is currently in high demand in the community. Behind the products that she sells, there is an interesting story behind it. “My mom brought me a dim sum from her friend. At first, the product was not popular, and no one knows about it, “she explained.  

” I gave some recommendations to improve the recipe and started to sell the product to neighbors and my friends,” she added.

With the right marketing strategy, Annisa started her business in selling dim sum and in Gresik, Surabaya, and Sidoarjo areas.

In March 2020, she named the product ‘dimsum.bun.’ She uses the name of the brand ‘bun’ from her mom’s favorite baby porridge product.

“Thank God, I have some friends who want to be resellers in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Solo,” said Annisa, who also serves as Head of Community Service Department in BEM FKG UNAIR.

According to her, she has a dim sum business because of the current market potential. This type of activity is both profitable and exemplary.

“If we have free time and energy, then we should take the opportunity to start a business. If it doesn’t start now, then it won’t work,” said her. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti Editor: Feri Fenroria Rifa’i

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