UNAIR-BI Institute establishes partnership on Independent Campus Program

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“Hopefully, this (partnership, ed) will bring benefits, both for UNAIR and BI Institute,” she said.

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to support and reinforce the implementation of Independent Campus policy even amid Covid-19 pandemic. It was manifested with an MoU on Independent Campus Program between UNAIR and Bank Indonesia (BI) Institute on Friday, August 14, 2020.

The agreement was signed online by Head of BI Institute Solihin M. Juhro., with UNAIR Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si. The agreement was intended as full support for the implementation of Independent Campus program proclaimed by the government through Ministry of Education and Culture.

In the Independent Campus program, said Prof. Nyoman, all academicians at UNAIR had the opportunity to carry out activities outside campus, either in accordance with their field of science or other field.

“Of course, it is all intended to improve the competence and insight of students at UNAIR, including lecturers through mentoring and learning process in collaboration with BI Institute, ” she said.

PROF Nyoman during the signing session of MoU between UNAIR and BI Institute on Independent Campus program. (Photo: M. Alif Fauzan)

Prof. Nyoman said, UNAIR has potential in three fields of science, namely health science, life science, and social sciences which include humanities and economics. Therefore the opportunity to develop the competence of UNAIR students is very essential.

“From this pandemic, we can learn that the barriers between science clusters now have shifted somewhat and opened up. Of course this is interpreted as part of the challenges and opportunities to work on the potential of joint scientific development,” she said.

According to Prof. Nyoman, there are at least three points of partnership to be realized by UNAIR, certified internships, learning experience, and mini projects. So UNAIR students could get used to more creative and innovative learning that develop their critical thinking towards national problems, especially in the economic sector, such as challenges that occurred due to pandemic.

“Hopefully this (partnership, ed) will bring benefits, both for UNAIR and for BI Institute,” she said.

Attending in the signing session of the MoU online was Dean of FST UNAIR Prof. Win Darmanto, M.Si., Ph.D. Dean of FEB UNAIR Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak .; Dean of School of Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary Prof. Dr. Dwi Setyawan; as well as Head of PPKK and Alumni relations Dr. Elly Munadziroh drg., MS. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria

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