UTBK Committee arranges various mechanisms to prevent Covid-19 transmission

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Previous UTBK before Covid-19 pandemic. (Source: Tirto.ID)

UNAIR NEWS – The implementation of Computer Based Test (UTBK) as a requirement for Higher Education Joint Entrance Examination (SBMPTN) this year is different from the previous years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To prevent the spread of the virus, the Committee of Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) has made some preparations for UTBK this year. It was conveyed by Head of LTMPT Prof. Mohammad Nasih in a press release on Thursday, June 25, 2020.

“For the implementation of UTBK held simultaneously on July 5, 2020, we (LTMPT Committee, ed) have made various preparations related to the health protocols because there will be thousands of participants and will take place amid Covid-19 pandemic, “he said.

According to Prof. Nasih, there are at least four mechanisms to be applied. First, UTBK will be carried out in two stages, July 5-14, 2020 and July 20-29, 2020.

Second, there is a reduction in the subject exam of UTBK. Previously, there was Academic Potential Test (TPA), there will only be Scholastic Potential Test (TPS).

Third, there will be less exam sessions from four into two sessions. “The goal is to get sufficient time between sessions to allow officers to disinfect the room and prevent participants between sessions met each other,” explained Prof. Nasih.

Finally, the number of test locations is increased. The exam will not only be held at the UTBK center, but also in high schools (SMA / SMK) as partners. So, students from outside Surabaya can carry out tests in their respective areas.

“For that, we do surveys, tracing, and make an app so that participants can conduct tests in their respective areas,” he added.

Prof. Nasih added, each test room will be installed CCTV to guarantee the quality of the UTBK. “One UTBK test session will be attended by around 1000 participants. We will ask for permit to the Mayor because it involves a lot of participants, “he said.

In addition, the person who accompanies the test participant can only take them to the venue and must leave the venue immediately. It is an effort to minimize the meeting of many people.

Meanwhile, to avoid the crowds of people, the UTBK committee does not provide a place for prayer this year’s UTBK. And, SBMPTN result will be announced on August 20, 2020. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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