Tips for culinary business in Ramadan during pandemic

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Lecturer of Economics and Business Faculty of Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si. Dok. Private

UNAIR NEWS –Faculty of Economics and Business  (FEB UNAIR) Universitas Airlangga lecturer Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si explained culinary business strategies in Ramadan, during Covid-19 pandemic.

There are at least four things that everyone needs to know. First, focus on the products that consumers could potentially need. Second, learn consumer behavior. Third, maintain stock and raw materials. And lastly, pay attention to quality.

Focus on potential products  

During Ramadan, culinary products that popular are fried, fast food, cakes, various fresh drinks, and frozen food. Furthermore, healthy herbal-based drinks that improve the body’s immunity will increase this month.

“Such as wedang uwuh, wedang jahe kunyit lemon, wedang sarabba will be popular,” Siwi said during the interview on Sunday, April 26.

Learn about consumer behavior

Despite the Covid-19 pandemics, the nature of society’s consumerism remains high, but some things are different. Consumers further reduce the intensity of home to online purchases.

Thus, culinary producers must maximize smartphones for selling products. Besides, consumers are interested in a food product that provides delivery services or take away.

People also focus on hygiene because of awareness to apply a healthy lifestyle. To ensure the cleanliness of the product, the manufacturer can provide information stating the body temperature of the delivery guy and seller. Furthermore, social media can also be used to explain the cleanliness of the production process.

According to Siwi, the consumer tends to focus on the time of delivering the product.

“Make sure stocks are available and do not let the consumers get disappointed because of the slow delivery product, “she said.

Make sure to provide the product two hours before breaking the fast. “You need to think about the effective payment. Thus, consumers can get the products then pay and go right away,” added Siwi.

Keep stock and raw materials  

During Ramadan, the price of the food is unstable so as a seller, you need to calculate the number of orders with stock availability and raw materials.

The thing that you need to consider is the stock supply of raw materials because territorial quarantine or large-scale social restriction (PSBB) will affect the timing of the raw materials ordered.

Pay attention to the quality

A seller needs to be selective in choosing the quality of raw and processing products. Do not choose cheap raw material because it will affect the quality itself.

“It will cause several health problems,” he said.

You need to pay attention to culinary products, distances, and packaging. “Make sure of the quality of the material,” closed Siwi. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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