Tanzanian student named as the best Master graduate in Faculty of Humanities UNAIR

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UNAIR NEWS – Astelia Minhayo is a graduate of international students from Tanzania, East Africa. She studied in Literature and Culture Study Program in Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).

“I choose Universitas Airlangga as a place to continue my education because of its reputation as one of the top 5 universities in Indonesia. Besides that, UNAIR is also an inclusive campus, and international students from various parts of the world are studying here, “she said.

Astelia completed her study on time and achieved a high score of 3.93 GPA. She revealed that studying at UNAIR help her to be discipline in dividing time and interacting with local students.

“I feel happy studying at Universitas Airlangga, a supportive environment for learning, friendly friends, and lecturers. Even though I had difficulty communicating due to language differences at the beginning, “she added.

The Tanzanian student made “The Effect of Modernity on African Marriage in The Missing Links by Tobias Odongo Otieno” as her thesis. The study examines about modernization effect from the globalization process can give influence changes in the social institutions of marriage, especially in African society.

“My motivation raises this topic since African society is influenced by modernization and western culture so that the rituals, practices, and customs related to marital institutions are also greatly affected,” he added.

Astelia said some of the facts obtained from several contemporary African fiction books is to find out the changes that have arisen in African marriages. After completing her education, she will return to work in her country and plan to continue her education as well.

“I’m lucky not to have a bad experience while studying here. I appreciate all of the support and guidance have given both from the Department of Literature and Culture Studies, Faculty of Humanities, and Airlangga Global Engagement during my study in Universitas Airlangga, ” she concluded.

Author: Rissa Ayu F

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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