Correlation of blood iron levels to recurrent canker sore

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Iron is an important micronutrient in the human body and the amount is abundant in the human body. Iron deficiency can affect the immune system in the body, because iron is an essential mineral for cell differentiation and growth. White blood cells have the task of killing bacteria that enter the body become ineffective, which cause changes in oral microorganisms and increase the intensity of inflammation in the oral mucosa, including the emergence of canker sore.

Reccurent Aphtous Stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammation in the oral mucosa which has no definite cause. RAS happens due to hormonal influences, systemic diseases, and occurs regularly. In previous studies, it was found that RAS also occurs in people with iron deficiency conditions in their blood.

One profession that requires a lot of nutrition including iron is a police officer who has high working hours. In order to be able to carry out their duties properly, police officers must have adequate nutrition. Therefore, researchers want to see the levels of iron in the blood and the level of canker sore on traffic police officers.

In other studies, it was found that recurrent canker sores appear in patients with low blood iron levels. However, the profession of sufferers was not mentioned. This study also examined the levels of vitamin C, tannin, and exposure to lead from exposure during work managing the traffic.

The results of his study showed 66.6% of patients with iron deficiency experience recurrent canker sores periodically. The results of this study is expected to add people’s insights on the importance of minerals in the body.

Author: Dr. Titiek Berniyanti, drg., M.Kes


Effect of Blood Iron Level on Prevalence of Reccurent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) in Traffic Police Officers. Titiek Berniyanti, Annisa Fardhani, Retno Palupi, Taufan Bramantoro, Doaa Ramadh, Aulia Ramadhani, Sarah Fitria Romadhoni. Ind J Pub Health Res Dev. 2019;10(8):638-643

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