UNAIR NEWS – Muleh Omah Project (MOP) is the largest work program organized by Airlangga Bojonegoro Community (ABC). The project was conducted in the form of community service to their homeland.
A part of 2020 MOP program is UNAIR Sapa Negeri entitled ABC Goes to School (GTS). This activity aims to motivate high school students to continue to higher education and introduce Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).
Istikhomah as the chief executive of ABC GTS said that she was very happy with the program held from Thursday, January 2, 2020 to Saturday, January 18, 2020. (1/18/2020). According to her, through this GTS, students can directly share experiences with high school or equivalent education students, so they can be more motivated to continue their education to a higher level.
“For about two weeks now, we have the opportunity to visit 42 high schools and other equivalent institutions in Bojonegoro Regency. From the city to remote villages we visit to share a bit of knowledge and motivate high school kids,” said the 2018 student of Faculty of Law UNAIR.
Isti revealed that in this ABC GTS, UNAIR students from Bojonegoro provided information about how to get to state universities (PTN), faculties, and their majors at UNAIR. ABC also collaborated with Bidikmisi Goes To School (BM GTS) to introduce various scholarships offered at UNAIR.
“We are working with BM GTS, because there are many high school students in Bojonegoro, whose schools in the countryside, do not know about Bidikmisi information. This year, especially, there is a slight change regarding Bidikmisi which was replaced with College Indonesia Smart Card (KIP), ” she said.
According to Isti, the main problem faced by village students after graduation is the cost of college and parental permission. Most of the parents consider working to be more profitable than going to college with lots of costs. So, this ABC GTS is expected to change that mindset.
Furthermore, Isti said that the enthusiasm was very high from the students. According to Isti, the students’ interest to continue at UNAIR was also great, it was proven by the campus expo organized by SMAN 1 Bojonegoro, UNAIR stand was crowded with high school students.
“Many schools invited us to join the expo and our stand was busier than others. It shows that there are indeed many Bojonegoro children who want to continue their studies at UNAIR, ” she said.
Isti hoped that the implementation of ABC GTS in 2021 will be able to reach more remote schools in Bojonegoro. “Hopefully next year we can visit more schools so we can continue to bring benefit to the region, specifically Bojonegoro,” concluded Isti. (*)
Author: Febrian Tito Zakaria Muchtar
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh