More than 300 students Disseminating College-KIP to 266 high schools in Indonesia

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UNAIR NEWS – Bidikmisi Program is one of the government’s efforts to encourage and provide assistance for students who are unable to continue their studies. This year alone, the bidikmisi program has changed its name to Indonesia Smart College Card (College KIP). For this reason, AUBMO UNAIR is making efforts to share and disseminate information about College KIP program in 266 high schools and 80 regencies / cities regarding education funding assistance from the government.

Conducted by 340 students receiving bidikmisi assistance from various faculties at UNAIR, the program held by AUBMO UNAIR Ministry of Community Service was called Bidikmisi Goes To School (BMGTS). The program, which is held in January, is targeting schools with minimal access to College KIP information.

Riyan Asmara (Physics, 2018) as the Head of 2020 BMGTS revealed that the 2020 BMGTS program was systematically conducted and brought benefits not only to high school students, but also students who carried out their own dissemination. “This annual event was started from the lack of access to bidikmisi information for high school students in rural schools. Moreover, we encourage students to take advantage of their holiday period by sharing with high school juniors, ” he said.

In its implementation, 2020 BMGTS begins with selection and briefing for participants of dissemination. The briefing presented public speaking material, basic information about College KIP program, as well as other scholarships. Meanwhile, after being released to carry out dissemination in their respective regions, the participants of the dissemination are required to always give updates to BMGTS committee.

One participant of the BMGTS outreach, Qorni Isna from Ponorogo, revealed that the BMGTS outreach provided many benefits for high school students although there were still several important challenges that must be faced by the disseminators.

“Some of the high school students are enthusiastic about listening to information about the College KIP, especially those who actually already have KIP. But there are also those who did not pay attention. Of course, it was caused by their lack of understanding on College KIP program and the amount of benefits that can be achieved,” said the 2019 UNAIR Nursing student.

But overall, BMGTS dissemination has become a tangible manifestation of UNAIR student community service in an effort to increase knowledge, understanding, and opportunities for all Indonesian students to achieve higher levels of education through the College KIP program. The program specifically targets rural schools that have minimal access to information on College KIP.

“After all the preparations, briefing and send-off ceremony, hopefully, this program will be able to foster the creativity of fellow students in increasing community service activities, “Riyan said.

Furthemore, Riyan reminded that 2020 BMGTS invites all students to build awareness of Indonesian students about the magnitude of educational opportunities at any level, anywhere, anytime, and at any rate.

The bidikmisi program itself in 2020 has become College-KIP. This makes the requirement for registration of tuition assistance for state universities to include ownership of Indonesia Smart Card. For this reason, the dissemination of BMGTS has important value in disseminating this information. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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