Dissemination of 2020-2025 Rector Candidate Selection begins January 6th

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UNAIR NEWS – Selection Committee for 2020-2025 Rector Candidates (PSCR) Universitas Airlangga is ready to hold the first event of dissemination at Management Office Campus C, on Monday, January 6, 2020. The dissemination will be conducted for all faculty leaderships in UNAIR, in Room 301, Kahuripan Building, Campus C UNAIR.

The 5-year UNAIR event will be known and celebrated together with the entire academic community. The dissemination preparation was discussed in the meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2020 in the Plenary Room, 3rd Floor, Campus C Management Office of UNAIR.

Chairman of the PSCR 2020-2025 Prof. Suryanto in the meeting reminded that in essence, the committee he is leading received the mandate from the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees (MWA) of UNAIR. The function of the committee in the selection is to serve all parties so it must be done independently and in a transparent manner.

“The function of this committee is to serve,” he said.

“We will inform all parties,” he added.

All academicians, said Prof. Suryanto, are expected to attend and follow the dissemination agenda. Based on 2020-2025 PSCR agenda, the socialization will be held from Monday, January 6, 2020 to Thursday, January 9, 2020 in three campuses, Campus A, Campus B, and Campus C UNAIR.

“This preparatory coordination meeting is important so the information to be conveyed through one source, one frequency,” he said.

“Because, the entire committee (2020-2025 PSCR, ed) also functions as informants to all parties,” he added.

Prof. Suryanto mentioned two things that had been prepared well by the team. First, the distribution of information on UNAIR 2020-2025 Rector Candidates selection through various channels. Second, the maturation of material and the technical simulation of the dissemination event.

“Dissemination will be done as much as possible, from the website, the news in the newspaper, and on social media. It can also be done through radio and TV, ” he said.

Simulation and answers to various questions also one thing that must be prepared. Both things that are technical and non-technical. Prof. Suryanto said that all parties could find all forms of information related to Candidate Selection of 2020-2025 UNAIR Rector on pilrek.unair.ac.id page. Channels for questions related to the selection are also available on the page, including detailed steps and schedules.

Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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