UNAIR Expert: balance training can prevent older people from falling

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Elderly fall is an incident reported by sufferers or eyewitnesses who directly witness the incident, accompanied by awareness or injury that causes the elderly to lay down, or sit on the floor suddenly.

“Falling is most common in the elderly, with a prevalence of around 30-40% falling in various countries. One of the important factors that influence falls in the elderly is the disruption of the postural balance of the elderly, “explained Elida Ulfiana, Lecturer from Faculty of Nursing (FKp) UNAIR.

According to Elida, several studies state that exercises such as tai chi, qi gong, wii balance and forms of occupational therapy that have been applied, can provide a change in balance.

Balance exercise or balance exercise alone can improve postural balance so that the incidence of falling elderly can be avoided. Postural balance in question, is a motor skill performed by the neuromuscular system that integrates with the sensory system, cerebellum and brain.

Elida said the central nervous system is useful for modifying motor and sensory components, so that stability can be maintained through changing conditions.

Some examples of elderly balance problems are difficulty moving from sitting to standing, looking back, standing on one leg, difficulty picking up items from the floor and difficulty rotating 360 degrees.

“Well, the problem in the balance of the elderly can be screened through a balance test known as the Berg Balance Scale,” Elida said.

The lecturer who was active in social activities assessed that balance training which was carried out routinely, could increase body stability and increase strength in the elderly leg muscles.

The exercise will train the body’s buffer base so that postural balance will be formed. Balance exercise itself consists of 5 movements that involve the soles of the feet, knees, thighs, and hips.

“The elderly are advised to do three times a week with a duration of 30 minutes,” she explained.

The findings obtained after doing balance exercises regularly is to show the ability to maintain postural balance.

The exercise helps the elderly increase their alertness gradually so that they can control changes in body position, and the impact of increasing muscle strength in the leg area, so that falls in the elderly can be prevented.

“So it is very important for the elderly to do this balance training,” he concluded.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor  : Nuri Hermawan

Link                  : http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijphrd&volume=10&issue=8&article=524

Ulfiana Elida1, Dewi Triyana Puspita, Yusuf Ah. 2019. The Effect of Balance Exercise on Postural Balance of Elderly as Fall Prevention in Institutionalized Elderly. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume : 10, Issue : 8.

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