UNAIR Professor review dermatitis drug pharmacy from coconut

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Prof.Dr.Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK (K), professor of Venerology Dermatology Medicine Universitas Airlangga with experts from various other universities have completed studies on the content of fatty acids in Pliek U.

Furthermore, the component of fatty acids can come from plants and animals, one of which is coconut. These fatty acids derived from fermented coconut oil are referred to as Pliek U oil. It is commonly found in Aceh Province. Besides, coconut meat is also fermented into Pliek U and is often formulated in traditional culinary spices.

Fatty acid itself is one of the three main components of fat that make up the outermost layer of the skin and become one of the two main components that function as skin protection. Therefore, if there is a change (mutation) then there will be a disorder called ichtyosis vulgaris where the sufferer will have dry and scaly skin. Meanwhile, when there is a lack of fatty acids, the layer that serves to protect the skin will be disrupted, for example, in pharmacy dermatitis.

“Lack of fatty acids can be caused by disruption of fatty acid synthesis, damage, or because of other diseases such as pruritus,” explained Prof. Further dreams.

For improving the function of skin protection, the patient will be treated using fatty acid cream as a medium to attach fatty acids to the target. This transfer requires a transport protein called epidermal fatty acid-binding protein (E-FABP) which is also contained in Pliek U.

Coconut with a high content of fatty acids has the potential to be a cure for pharmacy dermatitis. However, differences in factors such as geography, type, age, etc. will affect the content of fatty acids. This content can be measured using gas chromatography analysis. If the compatibility value with E-FABP is high, then the fatty acid is considered to have the ability to treat atopic dermatitis.

“Pliek U will be extracted to produce ethanolic Pliek U (EPUE) and ethanolic hexane residue Pliek U (EHRPUE) so that it can be assessed using GC-MS. Both have the largest content of fatty acids that are almost similar, namely lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, capric acid, linoleic acid, caprylic acid, and other fatty acids which are only 1%. “The fatty acid content is similar to the fatty acid content of coconut oil so Pliek U can be a candidate for treating atopic dermatitis,” concluded Prof. Cita closes.

Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Details of this research can be viewed in our work at:


The Potential Effect Of Fatty Acids From Pliek U On Epidernak Fatty Acid Binding Protein:

Chromatography And Bioinformatic Studies



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