19% Protein Ration Significantly Increases Bali Starling Egg Production

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Research findings of Prof. Mas’ud Hariadi, one of Professors at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) of Universitas Airlangga revealed that the number of Bali Starling egg production could be increased by providing 19% protein feed. He delivered the results of his research in a scientific journal entitled “The Effect of Feeding High Levels of Protein on Reproductive Performance of Bali Starling”.

Prof. Mas’ud found that conclusion with three different types of feed formulas. Three kinds of formulas, each containing 17% protein, 18 %, and 19%.

“The treatment of feeding starts since the bird reaches adolescence (6 months old) and has occupied each cage,” he said.

Prof. Mas’ud’s research was carried out for two years, from 2014 to 2015. He examined the reproductivity of Bali Starlings on bird farms in Safari Bird Farm in Kudu village, Kertosono Subdistrict, Nganjuk Regency, East Java and in Animal Food Science Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary University Airlangga, Surabaya.

“This research is aimed at increasing the reproductivity of Bali Starling by improving the quality of feed from the combination of natural ingredients with the addition of protein and vitamin supplements,” he said.

Prof. Mas’ud revealed feed rations were prepared from natural ingredients. Namely, crickets, kroto, banana kepok, corn, green beans, soybeans, peanuts, and fish flour.

“The materials are dried and then ground until smooth and mixed and it turn into granules,” he said.

“Twelve pairs of birds (male and female) Bali Starlings are divided into four groups. Namely: group P I protein 17%, group P II protein 18%, and group P III protein 19%, “he added.

Meanwhile, said Prof. Mas’ud, the control group was given commercial bird feed which is commonly used as daily feed for the Bali Starling birds. Including drinking water provided sufficiently. The feed is given twice a day, in the morning and evening. Furthermore, the 12 pairs of birds observed the speed of time of marriage and production and the quality of the hatchability of eggs.

As a result, the third treatment (P III) with 19 % protein had the best effect on the amount of Bali Starling egg production. The average egg production reaches three eggs and all eggs are fertilized (100%). Meanwhile, in the first treatment (P I-protein 17%) and second (P II, protein 18%), the average amount of egg production reached three eggs, but not all were fertilized (55%). Meanwhile, in the control treatment, it does not lay eggs.

“The 19 % protein ration significantly influences the number of eggs produced by the Bali Starling more and has high fertility,” he said.

“Compared to 18% and 17% protein rations that have varying amounts of egg production and inconsistent egg numbers and fertility. Where egg fertility is very influential on the sustainability of Bali Starling, “he added. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Mas’ud Hariadi, Budi Utomo, Herry A. Hermadi, Rezha S.W. Hadi, Alfi an Zulfahmi and Erma Safitri. 2019. The Effect of Feeding High Level of Protein on Reproductive Performance of Bali Starling. Indian Veterinary Journal 96 (10) : 48 – 50.

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