FKH UNAIR lecturer studies potential of Rana catesbeiana as cancer cell inhibitor

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Cancer is one of diseases with highest mortality rate in the world. In 2012, there were 14 million new cases with 8 million fatalities in the same year. More than 232,000 cases of skin cancer were recorded, and 55,000 cases led to death.

Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama, drh., M.Si., one of FKH UNAIR lecturers chose to focus on cancer cells, normal cells that have become malignant due to genetic abnormalities, so the cell division ability is uncontrollable.

“Malignant cells will trigger the growth of proto-oncogenic cells so that normal cells will have the potential for uncontrolled proliferation. Furthermore, gene mutations in cancer increase cell proliferation and resistance to apoptotic mechanisms. Also, several body molecular systems are used to induce apoptotic pathways to inhibit tumor cell growth, ” he explained.

According to the lecturer known as Thohawi, there is a hormone that is able to eliminate or inhibit apoptotic resistance levels due to cancer cells, the thyroxine hormone. Apoptosis is a programmed cell death, the purpose of removing cells no longer needed by the body. Apoptosis is also an important mechanism in embryonic development, organogenesis, and metamorphosis.

“If the apoptotic mechanism experiences resistance due to cancer cells, it will definitely cause growth and health problems in the organism,” he added.

On the other hand, there are reports that in frog metamorphosis, the tail tissue undergoes apoptosis due to an increase in the hormone thyroxine. Therefore, Thohawi and his team assume that frogs containing thyroxine are able to restore the level of apoptosis in an organism that is resistant to apoptosis.

Using male mice as test material, the study was conducted to examine the activity of tadpole (Rana catesbeiana ) serum in caspase-3 as a marker of apoptosis role and total cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in epithelial cells of albino mice induced by neoplasia. The serum containing thyroxine can cause the process of metamorphosis and control cell proliferation.

“We used male mice induced by dimethylbenz and anthracene twice a week for 5 weeks, to stimulate neoplasia of the skin. Then, tadpole or frog serum is injected intracutaneously after neoplasia is identified, with doses of 100%, 75%, and 25% / mouse / day, “he said.

After passing through various induction of several materials, it can be concluded from research that tadpole ( R. catesbeiana ) serum with 100% concentration can increase caspase-3 and total CTL in albino mouse epithelial cells induced by neoplasia.

“Serum tadpole ( R. catesbeiana ) serum with a concentration of 100%, can increase caspase-3 and total CTL in albino mouse epithelial cells induced by neoplasia. Thus, these serums can be used as cancer therapy with further research, ” he concluded. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source :

M. T. E. Purnama, I. H. Rahmaningtyas, A. R. Pratama, Z. Prastika, A. M. Kartikasari and N. P. D. Cahyo. 2019. Tadpole serum activity (Rana catesbeiana) in caspase-3 as a marker of the role of apoptosis and total cytotoxic T lymphocytes in albino rats’ epithelial cells induced by neoplasia. Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916.

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