UNAIR NEWS – Distribution activities to fulfil customer demand in all regions in Indonesia has become one of the essential aspects of current development in the industry. However, the costs incurred to meet customer needs is not small.
Therefore, Asri Bekti Pratiwi S.Si., M.Si., conducted various researches on this matter. The industry is required to make specific strategies in minimizing costs incurred. One approach that can be made is by reducing logistics costs.
In her research, three metaheuristic algorithms are used to solve the problem of determining the optimal distribution route, such as Fireflies Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Algorithm and Flower Pollination Algorithm. Xin-She Yang introduced the firefly algorithm in 2008 which an algorithm inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies.
“In this algorithm, it is assumed that all fireflies are unisex or fireflies are not attracted by sex but based on the brightness of other fireflies. The less bright firefly will move towards the brighter one. So that in this algorithm, the best solution is fireflies with the highest level of brightness,” she said.
Meanwhile, Cuckoo Search Algorithm was one of the algorithms introduced by Xin-She Yang and Suash Deb in 2009. It was an algorithm inspired by the parasitic nature of several Cuckoo species that laid their eggs in the nests of other hosts.
“Flower Pollination Algorithm is one of the algorithms introduced by Xin-She Yang in 2012. This algorithm is inspired by the process of pollination in flowering plants. Cross-pollination occurs when the pollen that falls comes from plants, ” she said.
In his research, he continued, the three algorithms are implemented in two types of data. The first data is 25 customers with maximum capacity and operational time of the vehicle and the time customers can be served is known. The secondary data is 100 customers with maximum capacity and operational time of the vehicle and the time customers can be identified.
“Based on the results of the implementation, Fireflies Algorithm has better performance in finding the best route than Cuckoo Search and Flower Pollination Algorithm, which is a route with lower / cheaper logistics costs. The higher the number of generations and population size in Fireflies Algorithm, the logistics costs of the best routes formed will be even lower, ” she concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia
A B Pratiwi, A Sasmito, Q S Istiqomah, M R Kurniawan dan H Suprajitno. Metaheuristic Algorithms for Solving Multiple-Trips Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MTVRPTW). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1306, conference 1.