UNAIR researchers discover rare fish species in Central Java

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR  researchers in collaboration with researchers from Universitas Brawijaya observed freshwater fish in Java. As one of the researchers, Veryl Hasan S.Pi., M.P. as well as a Lecturer at Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs UNAIR explained that fish could only initially be found limited in certain regions that are thought to be spread in other areas.

Mangut Fish is a species spread biogeographically in Sumatra, Kalimantan and West Java, apparently also spread to Central Java. “In West Java, Mangut Fish was found at Cisadane River; Ciliwung River; and Citarum River. However, the latest research data shows this fish also spread to Central Java in Wadaslintang Reservoir, Wonosobo Regency,” Veryl explained the results of the study.

Indonesia does have unique freshwater fish species that are not available in other regions. “The discovery of Mangut Fish species is the first record in outer habitat (West Java), as well as an interesting direction from the east, the previous distribution located about 300 KM,” he explained.

According to local community information, Mangut Fish is the most difficult species to find. The fish is only available in locations with clear water and free of pollution. “Thus, the species cannot withstand extreme environmental changes,” he said.

Because of the lack of data, Mangut fish has not been officially registered as a rare species in International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Even so, the status of Mangut Fish is worthy of review. Veryl said research continues to study the distribution of Mangut Fish in Java, especially East Java.

It is unfortunate, and there is no awareness and public education about fishing rare until now still happening. “People will take the fish without knowing the rare species status,” he said. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Reference : Hasan V, Soemarno, Widodo SW, Wiadnya DGR, Mukti AT, Irawan B (2019) Distributionextensionandfirstrecordof Lobocheilosfalcifer (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in CentralJavaProvince, Indonesia. Eco. Env. &Cons. 25 (July Suppl. Issue): S158-S161.

Link : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335104828_Distribution_extension_and_first_record_of_Lobocheilos_falcifer_Cypriniformes_Cyprinidae_in_Central_Java_Province_Indonesia

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