Dean of FIB UNAIR researches plastic waste process based on gender side in Surabaya

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The current global environmental crisis is the most significant problem in our world. As a business and industrial city that absorbs many people, Surabaya also creates issues related to waste and pollution.

The problem was examined by Dean of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga, Diah Ariani Arimbi, S. S., M, A., Ph.D. She observed the process of plastic waste on the gender side.

Processing plastic waste on the gender side proves that women re-use it more than men. Men are more inclined to use disposable plastic and rarely use it again.

“The correspondent I took in several Surabaya malls has many women, especially wives,” he said.

Diah said the results of her study showed that 25 out of 30 people said that they understand the process of plastic waste. As well as five other people do not understand about it.

Besides, he revealed the amount of plastic used had increased dramatically with an increase in spending intensity. It is impossible to hold back citizens’ habits or spending. Furthermore, the advertisement also affects consumer to buy several plastic products.

These habits are also challenging to control their shopping activities because of financial wealth. The community said it was impossible to control their behaviour because the more salary they got, the more money they spent.

Nevertheless, Surabaya government has intensively invited its citizens to maintain environmental cleanliness and minimize solid waste. However, some businesses like shops provide plastic bags to accommodate their shopping purchases.

In general, the government cannot control optimally that it always gets terrible effects. Politics always creates risks for citizens.

The government as an agent of local culture forgets to remind its citizens in uphold local wisdom. Thus, local culture does not function because of globalization.

Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

D.A. Arimbi, N. Wulan & F. Colombijn, Eniviromentalism and Consumerism: The Contradistion of Globalitation in Behavior Consumption of The Urban Middle Class in Surabaya, Urban Studies: Border and Mobility, Taylor and Francois Group, ISBN: 978-1-139-58034-3. Hlm. 223.

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