UNAIR NEWS – In the rainy season, agricultural villages around large river basins such as Bengawan Solo often experience floods. One way to overcome this problem is to use river water using a pump. Pumping is done to use river water for agricultural purposes. In some areas, pumping is managed by the HIPPA (Water Using Farmer Association) organization.
UNAIR Anthropology lecturer, Dr. Rustinsyah, M.Si conducted a study to see the level of farmers’ satisfaction as HIPPA members receiving services. The purpose of the research is to find out the factors that influence the level of satisfaction of HIPPA members. The study was conducted at HIPPA Subur Makmur, Klothok Village, Plumpang Subdistrict, Tuban Regency.
“Service quality indicators consist of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction indicators consist of process, product, contribution or cost, place-channel, promotion, brand position and physical evidence, ” she said.
The results showed that the most important thing for HIPPA members was the work of the organization in form of water distribution and steps taken to overcome problems related to agricultural activities. Therefore, sufficient water distribution will increase rice production in agriculture as well as generate profits.
“There are two recommendations given, first, the need to improve the quality of services to farmers as HIPPA members to continue working on improving infrastructure such as irrigation networks and other facilities that support water distribution,” she said.
Second, continued Rustinsyah, is the need for more intensive cooperation between stakeholders both within the organization and external organizations so the handling of problems related to the distribution and disposal of water can be done well and agricultural activities can be accelerated.
“The results of this study are valid in this village, but there may also be other villages that are located along the banks of a large river. Indonesia also has large rivers so that the program can be implemented by involving more riverside villages in different areas, ” she concluded. (*)
Author: Zanna Afia
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
Rustinsyah. (2019) Determining the satisfaction level of water user association service quality for supporting sustainable rural development. Development Studies Research. Vol. 6:1 p. 118-128