UNAIR scientists discover effective ways to clean dentures with thymoquinone

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – As people get older, humans generally will have fewer teeth and have a higher risk of loss entirely. The loss of some teeth experienced by the patient, affects general health and oral cavity. It affects the overall quality of life, including in terms of enjoying food and nutritional intake.

Poly Metyl Methacrylate acrylic resin has the requirements as denture plate material because it is not toxic, does not irritate tissue, with good physical and aesthetic properties, cheap price, can be repaired, easy to manipulate and manufacture.

“But due to the polymerization of resin monomers, microporosity and roughness are formed which can facilitate attachment of the pellicle and microorganisms which subsequently develop into plaque,” said the dentist, Dr. Muhammad Luthfi, drg., M. Kes ,.

The accumulation of plaque that is not cleaned in a long time, can increase the number of germs, some pathological changes in the oral mucosa such as inflammation of the oral mucosa due to the use of artificial teeth and can cause cavities.

The lecturer said, Thymoquinone is a bioactive compound which is one of the most abundant compounds in black cumin seeds essential oil which effectively releases plaque by forming with amino acids that inactivate bacterial proteins so bacteria are killed.

The type of research conducted by Lutfi is an experimental laboratory, with the post-test only control group design. Samples were taken from plaque from maxillary complete denture users. The research sample was divided into 6 research groups namely 1 control group and 5 treatment groups.

Based on the control group, soaking the acrylic plate on saliva treated with bacterial plaque soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes. Group P1: group of thymoquinone content with 3.125% concentration and soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes, Group P2: group with 6.25% thymoquinone concentration and soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes .

then Group P3: thymoquinone concentration group at 12.5% and soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes. P4 group: thymoquinone concentration at 25% and soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes. P5 group: 50% thymoquinone concentration group and soaked for 5, 10, 15 minutes.

“Based on the results of the Tukey HSD test from the time group, a significant difference was found at 5 minutes and 10 minutes (5%,) in the administration of a 50% concentration while at the time between 5 minutes and 15 minutes (6%) with thymoquinone concentration 50 %, “ he concluded.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor    : Nuri Hermawan

Link                        :http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/19-D18_732_Muhammad_Luthfi.pdf

Muhammad Luthfi, Indah Listiana Kriswandini, Afrisal Erviyansyah. Thymoquinone Potency in Denture Plaque Hydrolysis In Vitro. J Int Dent Med Res 2019; 12(3):953-958

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