UNAIR doctors use diagnostic method for successful leprosy eradication

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – “The use of filter paper and NDO-LID-1 is useful for further examination, especially with low bacilli counts or contact with leprosy patients.” That is the excerpt of research result conducted by Dr.M. Yulianto Listiawan, SpKK (K), FINSDV, FAADV., about the Diagnostic Method Using Blood on Filter Paper.

Previously, in his research presentation, he explained that the government’s strong commitment, multidrug treatment , and other efforts resulted in significant developments in the elimination of leprosy, but new cases continued to emerge. According to him, Indonesia remains one of three countries along with India and Brazil with more than 10,000 new cases reported in 2016.

“Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease, its prevalence in child population shows a continuous transmission from adulthood and a lack of disease control from the health system,” he explained.

This situation, he continued, need methods that are accurate, can be done easily for patients of any age, can be done anywhere, and can predict the development of leprosy in susceptible asymptomatic individuals. Based on national guidelines, he said, the diagnosis of leprosy in Indonesia is still based on complaints and clinical symptoms.

“This method is inefficient and can cause delays in diagnosis because complaints and obvious symptoms usually only appear in advanced stage,” he said.

Furthermore, he said that serological examination for the diagnosis of leprosy is one of the tools that can diagnose and even predict the presence of Mycobacterium leprae. Both in patients with clinical leprosy or HHC who are vulnerable and infected but have not shown symptoms or complaints. Further research, he explained, also found that the conjugation of LID-1 and PGL-1 epitopes in ELISA could increase the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests.

“For this reason, this study aims to prove the effectiveness of using capillary blood samples on filter paper for the detection of the positivity of IgG antibodies to NDO-LID1 antigens in asymptomatic HHC,” he said.

In the end, he said that the research evaluated the effectiveness of capillary blood and filter paper use as diagnostic testing or early detection. The procedure, he added, is convenient for patients and easy to send so it can increase referral activity.

“Hopefully there will be research with better designs in the future and better referral systems and diagnostic methods can be established for successful eradication of leprosy,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Meva Nareza Trianita, Bayu Bijaksana Rumondor,
Anisha Callista Prakoeswa,Iswahyudi,Dinar Adriaty,
Bagus Haryo Kusumaputra,
Muhamad Yulianto Listiawan,
Indropo Agusni,Shinzo Izumi,Malcolm Duthie (2019). A simpler diagnostic method using blood collection on filter paper to determine anti-natural octyl disaccharide-leprosy infectious disease research institute diagnostic in household contacts of leprosy patients. Dermatology Reports, 11(s1): 8048.

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