UNAIR scientist: acupuncture solution to restore male animal reproduction affected by global warming

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – “Extreme heat is a high temperature condition caused by the environment, heating, and direct sunlight.” It was the excerpt from a research conducted by Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama, drh., M.Si., and team. According to him, extreme heat can also be called abnormal high temperatures with great potential to occur in Indonesia, given the geographical location in tropical climate.

Furthermore, the lecturer known as Thohawi explained that infertility problems are often faced by adult animals and if not treated immediately will have an impact on their reproductive system. Infertility problems, he added, are also experienced by animals with economic value in Indonesia, it may cause declining quality and quantity of the livestock.

“One of the main causes of infertility in addition to infectious diseases is extreme temperatures due to global warming which affects the animal’s reproductive system,” he said.

In this regard, he and his team have found a breakthrough to reduce the effects of extreme heat with acupuncture method. The acupuncture points, wei-jian, ming-men and sanyin-jiao, he explained, are the control centers of the reproductive organs.

“The results of the study proved that the spermatozoa morphology is normal, 70% -80% active spermatozoa with progressive individual movements, and good concentrations or density,” he said.

Furthermore, he also said that the results showed that animals exposed to extreme heat without acupuncture therapy have the lowest quality of spermatozoa motility less than 20%, backward movements even immobility, and poor concentration. Acupuncture therapy, he continued, can improve the quality of spermatozoa which can be recommended which appears to improve mass motion reaching 70-80%, individual movement returns progressively, and with great density.

“Acupuncture therapy indicates an improvement and regeneration of germ cells so the decline of spermatozoa quality due to extreme heat can be stimulated into the maturation cycle,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Purnama, M.T.E., Rahmaningtyas, I.H., Putri, A.S., Lee, A.S.I., Tatimma, F.N., Masyitoh, H. 2019. Acupuncture could increase spermatogonic cells in albino rats exposed to heat stroke. Ind. Vet. J., 96(10), 30-32.

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