FKH lecturer explores potential probiotics containing Enterobacter on quail eggs

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Quail is known as a kind of birds with great potentials because it has rapid growth, high levels of egg production and short generation interval. In a research on “Probiotic Containing Enterobacter Spp., Bacillus Spp., Cellulomonas Spp., Actinomyces Spp. Potential on Increasing Production Performance and Quail Egg Cholesterol Levels “, Dr. Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, MP., drh, first explained that the development of poultry farming requires high feed costs, so feed additive antibiotics growth promoters (AGP) is used.

Dr. Widya, revealed that the use of AGP has a negative impact on animal feed by causing residual effects in animal products and the occurrence of bacterial resistance in animals and the human body. Therefore, she continued, to overcome this problem alternatives to AGP is used, direct-fed microbials (DFMs) or probiotics.

“Most of the probiotic strains used in livestock include Lactobacillus sp, Bidobacterium sp, Bacillus sp and Enterococcus sp, ” she said.

Furthermore, Dr. Widya explained the benefits of providing probiotics in poultry farming, including reducing feed conversion, increasing feed efficiency, increasing the number of eggs produced, and reducing egg cholesterol levels.

“So it provides health impacts for humans who consume them,” she explained.

In her research, Dr. Widya also reviewed the use of probiotics to balance the microflora in the digestive tract, helping to increase the metabolism process in the livestock body through several ways including increasing the absorption capacity.

“Moreover, it helps metabolism of protein and energy, and increases feed digestibility and minimizes feed consumption so that it can reduce the value of feed conversion ratio, increase feed efficiency and increase egg production and egg quality,” she explained.

Furthermore, the use of a combination of isolate probiotics in the research can be hypocholesterolemic, which is shown based on the results of cholesterol analysis on quail eggs showing lower egg cholesterol results (6.76 – mg / g), compared to controls without the use of probiotics (19.02 mg / g).

In the end, Dr. Widya also said that some lactic acid bacteria have an important role in the process of lipid metabolism, and with bile salt hydrolase (BSH) during the process of metabolism to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride content in eggs.

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Details of the research available at:

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