UNAIR NEWS – Nutrition Study Program Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga is committed to producing excellent nutrition graduates and benefiting the nutrition profession. Nutrition Study Program held a workshop entitled Basic Nutrition Care Process (NCP). The NCP Basic Workshop opened by Head of Nutrition Department FKM UNAIR, Dr. Annis Catur Adi, Ir., M.Si.
The event was filled by two competent speakers in their fields, namely Unjiati, S.KM., M.Kes., RD Head of DPD Indonesian Dietetic Association (AsDI) East Java and also serves as Head of Nutrition Installation at Haji Hospital. Furthermore, Endah Bardiati, S.Gz Head of Nutrition Installation of Mitra Keluarga Satellite Hospital and alumni of FKM UNAIR Nutrition Study Program.
In her presentation, Unjiati explained Bachelor of Nutrition has an essential role in the nutritional care of patients. Therefore they must master and have expertise in conducting Nutrition Care Process (NCP). This rule has been written in Minister of Health Regulation No.26 of 2013.
“Nutrition profession is one of the calculated health professions because its role is huge in supporting the healing of patients,” she said. The event continued with an explanation related to nutrition screening and NCP / ADIME process (Assessments – Diagnosis – Interventions – Evaluation Monitoring). She also explained NCP application in the hospital. In the next session, participants conducted NCP workshops directly under the guidance of a lecturer and alumni of nutrition study program. Moreover, participants are expected to get a firsthand picture of NCP patient. Besides, this event was also attended by 100 people who were nutritionists at hospitals, health centres, and even lecturers. Even one of the participants furthest away from Tarakan presented at this event.
“I hope this event can be useful for students and those who pursue the nutrition profession to get a certificate of expertise. Universitas Airlangga is also keen to improve the certification of graduates’ skills to compete in the work environment, “said Qonita Rachmah, M.Si as Head of the committee.
Author: Nutrition Science Team