How Young Women in Islamic Boarding Schools Prevent Anemia During Menstruation

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Anemia according to World Health Organization is a condition where hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the blood lower than normal. The incidence of anemia in teenagers in 2011 reached 11.7% and 6.7% of anemia occurred during their period.

The importance of anemia control program in adolescent girls affect the preparation of physical condition before pregnancy the mothers will be healthy, and they will not anemic during pregnancy. From this background, Dr. Esti Yunita Sari, S.Kp., M.Kes together with her partner Praba Diyan Rachmawati S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep and her student Desy Indah Nur Lestari conducted a research to uncover the phenomenon.

“Anemia needs to be treated because anemia can reduce endurance so people with anemia are susceptible to infectious diseases, it can reduce fitness and dexterity of thinking due to lack of oxygen to muscle cells and also reduce learning achievement and work productivity. This is no exception for young women in Islamic boarding schools, “said the lecturer of Faculty of Nursing (FKP).

Furthermore, the correlation between knowledge and anemia prevention efforts in young women showed that young women with less knowledge about anemia have lack of self-awareness to make efforts to prevent anemia. Knowledge is influenced by education, information from mass media, social culture, family support, the environment and age.

Moreover, she added, there is also a correlation between attitude and efforts to prevent anemia during menstruation in girls in Islamic boarding schools. The students with good attitude towards efforts to prevent the occurrence of anemia have a concern for efforts to prevent anemia during menstruation.

“Young women who have less peer support will make less efforts to prevent anemia, especially in terms of peer support to get anemia tablets. Peer support includes people who face the same challenges as patients with certain infections, certain communities, people with the same problems, ” she explained.

In the end, the FKP lecturer explained that there is a correlation between health facilities and efforts to prevent anemia during menstruation in young women in Islamic boarding schools. It showed that the less action related to health, the less efforts are made to prevent anemia during menstruation in adolescents in Islamic boarding schools.

“In accordance with the purpose of this study, which is to analyze the factors associated with efforts to prevent anemia during their period among adolescent girls in Islamic boarding schools, hopefully can provide information that the level of knowledge, positive attitude, support from friends, health facilities, and health efforts can prevent anemia. during menstruation for young women, ” she concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Link :

Yunitasari, E., P.D. Rachmawati, Dan D.I.N. Lestari. 2019. Effort To Prevent Anaemia During Menstruation Among Female Adolescent In Islamic Boarding School. Jurnal Ners, 14(1): X-X

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