The Elderly Motivation Visiting Public Library

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – One of the public library’s missions is to provide information services to the entire community without exception, including the elderly. Indonesia has an elderly population of 23.4 million, which is a good signal for the development of the welfare of society, where life expectancy is longer.

The public library as one of the public services began to improve its services, by focusing on maximum service for children and adolescents. Departing from this issue, Nove E. Variant Anna, S. Sos., MIMS., With the team conducted in-depth research related to this subject.

“My research uses a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and interviews with elderly respondents who visited Surabaya City Hall Pemuda library in October-November 2018. The number of respondents in this study was 114 people, “explained Faculty Vocational Studies lecturer (FV).

Based on the results, the reasons for the elderly to visit the library are very diverse. Generally, finding information according to their needs (39.47%), spending their spare time (26.31%), relaxing (24.56%), and accompanying their grandchildren (9.64%). All information provided in the library is free and can be used by the elderly to find the information that they need, such as health, history, politics, and entertainment.

“Motivation from the elderly can come from internal or externally — the intrinsic motivation of the elderly is their desire to increase knowledge and be happy. While extrinsic motivation, by external encouragement that makes them happy to visit the library,  due to excellent facilities, a complete collection, and friendly library staff, “she said.

Respondents’ responses related to the facilities provided in the Balai Pemuda library include reading room facilities: sofa or reading chair; computer; magazine and newspaper reading room. The majority of visitors said that the facilities are good (73.68%), but some stated that the facilities are not good (7.89%) because there are no special facilities for elderly visitors.

“With this research, it can be a reference for public library policy not to rule out elderly visitors,” she concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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