Obese Mothers Have Stunted Child. How come?

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Multiple nutritional problems occur when there is a problem of malnutrition that causes a person to become stunted (children’s height is shorter than normal children, ed) and the excessive nutrition makes a person becomes obese at the same time.

Trias Mahmudiono S.KM., MPH (Nutr.), GCAS, Ph.D explained that multiple nutrition problem can occur at three levels. First at the population level, then at the family level and finally at the individual level.

At the population level, some residents are obese and others are stunted. Then at the family level, in one family there are members who are obese and some are stunted. While at the individual level, the problem of dual nutrition tends to be the problem of macro over nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.

“At individual level, a person can experience excessive macro-nutrients such as carbohydrates which causes him to become obese while the person also experiences micronutrient deficiencies such as lack of iron, vitamins or minerals,” Trias explained.

In research conducted by Trias, the incidence of stunted children in Surabaya reached 36.4 percent. Then, the incidence of mothers with obesity was 70.2 percent. Meanwhile, obese mothers who have stunting children was 24.7 percent.

The study also concluded that the problem of multiple nutrition is related to food security and households with low food security are strongly associated with multiple nutrition problems in families as shown as condition of obese mothers with stunted child.

In addition to conducting research, nutrition education is also given to the target, the mothers, it is recommended to increase consumption of vegetables and fruit. Intake of foods rich in fiber to make full longer. Obese mothers are also advised to increase physical activity.

While for children, it is recommended to eat more foods high in protein such as fish, eggs and chicken liver.

“Not vice versa, because food such as eggs, fish and chicken liver can make a mother experience gout. Moreover, these foods are also high in fat so it can cause obesity, ” stated Trias.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia  

Reference :  Mahmudiono, T. et al., 2018. Household Food Insecurity as a Predictor of Stunted Children and Overweight/Obese Mothers (SCOWT) in Urban Indonesia. Nutrients, 10(5), pp. 1-16.


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