UNAIR NEWS – 2019 LKTIN Phoenix (Public Health Top Event in Extraordinary) held by B-PHA (Banyuwangi Public Health Association), PSDKU Public Health Hima Universitas Airlangga was successfully held last weekend. Not only the presentation of Scientific Writing (KTI), the committee also invited participants to get to know tourism in Banyuwangi through field trips.
Field trips are held after a series of competitions are finished. The intended tourist destinations are nature tourism De Djawatan and Pulau Merah beach. Although the time given to enjoy the tour is limited, some participants said they were satisfied and happy. They also said they were more familiar with Banyuwangi tourism. There are even participants who are addicted to coming to Banyuwangi again.
Like the story of Muhammad Majid Abdillah, a participant from Universitas Jember interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, expressed his feeling that the program was fun and exciting.
“I’m happy to be one of the participants of this program, and I get to know several new things about Banyuwangi tourism, “he said
A similar statement was expressed by Zumrotun Nisairrosyidah, a participant from IAIN Ponorogo interviewed by UNAIR NEWS last week. She was thrilled to visit directly to the location.
“I got a lot of new information about Banyuwangi tourism, and I also saw several photos on the internet. But when I came directly to the place, it turned out that the place is better than the photo, “she explained.
Moreover, the committees were grateful and happy to see the enthusiastic response of the participants. (*)
Author: Rista Novianti
Editor: Nuri Hermamwan