UNAIR NEWS – Hazard in the environment has the potential to cause Work Accident (KAK) and Occupational Disease (PAK). Furthermore, this happens because the source of danger in the laboratory can also cause risks.
A lecturer at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Universitas Airlangga proved the importance of using personal protective equipment in laboratories by conducting in-depth research on this matter. According to this problem, Putri Ayuni Alayya Nur, S.KM., M.KKK conducted research with Dani Nasirul Haqi, S.KM., M.KKK, and her student Atiya Thifal Rofifa.
“One way that can be done to prevent work accidents is by using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). APD must also meet the requirements so as not to interfere with worker activities, such as comfortable to wear, do not interfere with work, and provide adequate protection against types of danger, “explained the lecturer who graduated from S2 FKM Universitas Airlangga.
If something happens in the laboratory, there will be a perception to protect themselves during their activities in the laboratory by using PPE. Besides, the use of PPE is more clearly regulated in Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning work safety in article 12 point b and also mentioned in article 13.
Putri explained perception was classified as a personal factor because the emergence of this perception originated in the individual with the influence of the environment. The existence of adherence that arises in each individual is classified as a personal factor in ILCI’s Loss Causation Model theory.
“The motivation of using PPE between users are different. The higher motivation possessed by laboratory users, the higher the level of PPE usage carried out by the individual, “she added.
In practice, the research conducted by Putri and the team was categorized as non-experimental research. Research data were obtained from questionnaires and through the unstructured interviews to find out some of the dangers that occur in the laboratory.
“The respondents that involved were all students of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga. In 2018, 32 students uses Personal Protective Equipment ,” she said.
Putri explained the research carried out with the approval of PT Ethics Committee, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga (Reference Number: 38-KEPK 2018). Hopefully, the research conducted could provide information related to perception, knowledge, compliance, motivation, regulation, and supervision.
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan