UNAIR Rector: Early Disaster Education Needed

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih gives ideas on disaster mitigation in the national seminar "Anticipation and Disaster Management", Tuesday, October 8, 2019. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to build awareness on the importance of disaster mitigation, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a national seminar on Anticipation and Disaster Management. The event took place at Garuda Mukti Hall Fifth Floor Management Office, Campus C UNAIR on Tuesday, October 8, 2019.

On that occasion, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA and Vice Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, M.Sc. explained the importance of disaster mitigation.

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih in his speech said that disasters in Indonesia have been problems every year. Material and spiritual losses must be anticipated as early as possible. Prof. Nasih also said that this seminar is a space to understand about the importance of disaster mitigation.

“The disasters that struck several regions of Indonesia should be resolved with early education,” he said.

In response to Prof. Nasih’s statement, Emil Dardak as Vice Governor of East Java wants universities to participate in the disaster mitigation education process. One concrete actualization is the Community Service program (KKN) which should become the main program. KKN has to keep up with the times, especially Indonesia, which is currently facing a crisis in handling disasters.

Emil also said that disaster management requires social science disciplines. Universities must play greater roles to solve disaster problems. Universities should be a pressure group to encourage disaster mitigation education as early as possible.

“Not only stakeholders from politicians who put pressure on disaster mitigation, the role of universities, especially experts, should be able to help in this problem,” he said.

Indonesia, which is located in the ring of fire, is likely to have a significant disaster. Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and erupted volcanoes have attracted people’s attention to minimize material and life losses.

As a response, the public can establish disaster insurance. The purpose of disaster insurance is to reduce material losses of the community due to disasters. The community should also be encouraged to pray so disasters will not happen. Emil also gave his opinion on the disaster mitigation education, that it should be realized as immediate as possible.

“Disaster mitigation education is very important for the survival of the community before and after a disaster. The resilience of each sector is encouraged, it is time for the stakeholders and the community to sit together to reduce disaster risk, “he said.

In the end, on the same occasion, Director of the Postgraduate School Prof. Dr. Sri Iswati, SE, M.Si., Ak., hoped that the entire community and the academic community could be vigilant in facing disasters. Prof. Sri Iswati also said that from the presentations of speakers, the community will be able to better understand the patterns and ways to be responsive in facing disasters that had become one of Indonesia’s natural characteristics.

“With this, we want to build public awareness, the community, and us together so that we are always vigilant and alert to disasters,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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