UNAIR Tropical Disease Institute Forms Hepatitis B Cadre

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Head of FK UNAIR Institute Tropical Disease community service team, Muhammad Miftahussurur, gives a remarks to the community in an activity at Sidotopo Wetan Health Center, Surabaya City. (Photo: LPT-FK Community Team)

UNAIR NEWS  – Institute of Tropical Disease and Faculty of Medicine (LPT-FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with Surabaya City Health Agency and Sidotopo Wetan Public Health Center (Puskesmas) held a community service activity titled “I-HBV ( Inhibit of Hepatitis B Virus Infection ): Five in One Countermeasure Program for Hepatitis B High Prevalence in Kenjeran District, Surabaya “on Thursday, September 26, 2019.

The event took place at Puskesmas Sidotopo Wetan meeting room succeeded in forming 13 members of hepatitis B cadre committed to conduct partnership program been carried out since July 2019.

The program consists of five programs in one activity, namely Person, Education, Skill, Controlling, and Networking. The output obtained from the I-HBV program is the formation of cadre group to expand hepatitis B screening, the existence of peer to peer education training, evaluation, publication and sustainability of hepatitis community.

“Handling cases of hepatitis B is not only a problem faced by the government and health agencies, but it needs support from the community to make existing program successful. Therefore, community coaching is needed through a partnership program to produce health cadres so the program can be run well, “said Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr. Sp.PD, Ph.D, the chief executive of the activity.

According to Miftahussurur, up to September 2019 several activities had been carried out and had met the first milestone in the form of a Hepatitis B Health Cadre at the Sidotopo Wetan Health Center. The cadre consists of more than 30 hepatitis B patients to carry out peer education. The implementation is guided by competent doctors and supervised directly by health cadres from the Puskesmas.

Furthermore, several trainings for all health cadres have been carried out by bringing in several experts, as well as a guidebook and instrument for implementing health cadre activities. Routine evaluation is carried out every month. This is to determine the progress of the achievement indicators of health cadres’ success in caring for hepatitis B community.

The activity was divided into several sessions, including the report session of community service activity by the chief executive, the distribution of gifts to cadres who succeeded in providing counseling and had the most extension participants, conveying the impression of cadres during counseling about hepatitis.

Then there was also a signing session of a commitment to support the Hepatitis B Care Community formation carried out under the guidance of Sidotopo Wetan Health Center. This community is a form of continuation of I-HBV Community Partnership Program. The signing of the commitment was carried out by the Head of community service Universitas Airlangga, the Head of the Sidotopo Wetan Community Health Center, as well as the cadre representatives who were concerned about Hepatitis B.

As the program progresses, the I-HBV (Inhibit of Hepatitis B Virus Infection) community service program in Kenjeran District, Surabaya, there is a plan to make scientific articles to be published with ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

The executive team have collaborated with Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc., PhD as a qualitative research expert and have published in various Scopus indexed journals. Data using a quality of life questionnaires has been taken from 30 hepatitis B patients and will be analyzed to find out the quality of life and perceptions of hepatitis B patients about their illness. The ISBN book draft will also be created and ready to be printed. (*)

Author: Pratiti Swesti

Editor : Bambang Bes

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