Psycho-chemical Conditions of Oceanography for Teluk Prigi Coral Reef Rehabilitation Program

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Prigi Bay which is located in Watulimo Subdistrict, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province is a potential area to be developed in various forms including the fisheries sector. This place is one of the business centers of fisheries on the southern coast of Java.

It can be seen from the amount of local community involvement in fishery-related activities around 6,271 households (Wulandari et al., 2013), where the majority of the community are fishermen. High fishing activities in this area can have a negative impact on Prigi Bay, especially the quality of the waters in Prigi Bay.

Water quality is an essential factor for the fisheries sector and benthic habitats such as corals and seagrasses (Tangke et al., 2016). The temperature in the ocean is one of the most critical factors for the life of organisms in the ocean because temperature affects the metabolic activity and proliferation of this organism (Hutabarat and Evans, 1986). Most aquatic biota is sensitive to changes in pH; the ideal value for life is between 7 – 8.5 (Susana, 2010).

Turbidity describes the optical properties of water caused by suspended and dissolved organic and inorganic materials such as mud, sand, organic matter such as plankton and other microorganisms (Irawan and Sari, 2013). Changes in dissolved oxygen concentration within certain limits can indicate changes in water quality (Susana, 2010).

Dissolved oxygen in the ocean is used by aquatic organisms for respiration and decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms (Patty et al., 2015). High concentrations of chlorophyll-a phytoplankton can be used as an indication of the number of phytoplankton cells and organic potential in the water. Chlorophyll-a is used as an indicator of phytoplankton abundance (Marlian et al., 2017).

From previous studies, it was reported that coral reefs were only found in small patches in the eastern and western parts of Prigi Bay on the reef slope. Corals as the primary builder of coral reefs are vulnerable to temperature, increasing 1 oC sea surface temperature from the monthly average maximum sea temperature will face bleaching conditions (Donner, 2009). Klypas et al. (1999) state that some environmental conditions affect coral growth such as light, temperature, salinity, sedimentation, hydromechanics, and currents. These factors also limit the growth of corals at high latitudes.

Life forms or coral morphology are also adapted to environmental pressures. For example, Pocillopora damicornis corals will show different intraspecific variations in their skeletons due to water clarity or turbidity (Veron, 1995; Brown, 1997). The aim of this study is looking at Prigi Bay water quality as baseline data for the next coral reef rehabilitation program.

In this study, seawater quantification conducted at 20 locations in the Prigi Bay represented coastal and offshore areas. The surface and depth of 1 m of sea water were then quantified using multi probes (AAQ-1183 IF, Japan), and produced water quality images in the Prigi Bay. The results of this study can be the baseline of the water quality of Prigi Bay because the parameters are the limiting factors of valuable tropical ecosystems such as coral reefs which are under heavy pressure from human activities in this area.

To find out more detail about the physicochemical condition of oceanography as input for the rehabilitation program of the coral reef in the Prigi Bay, East Java, Indonesia, please read the following research.

Title: Physico-chemical oceanographic conditions of Prigi Bay, East Java, Indonesia Authors: Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi *, Andik Isdianto, Supriyadi, Riza Alifia, Ninik Ika Sulistianingrum, Rahmat Prasetyoaji, Muhammad Irlan Assidiq Kusuma Ramadhan and Agoes Soegianto *

Authors: Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi*, Andik Isdianto, Supriyadi, Riza Alifia, Ninik Ika Sulistianingrum, Rahmat Prasetyoaji, Muhammad Irlan Assidiq Kusuma Ramadhan dan Agoes Soegianto*

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