Digitalized Examination for Evaluation and Education of Periodontal Patients

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Illustration of a dental examination. (Source: Lifestyle Okezone)

Periodontal disease is an oral disease which is ranked first in 2001 world record book as the disease most often suffered by humans. Global Burden of Disease research data from 1990-2010 shows that severe periodontitis is the sixth highest prevalence (11.2 percent) and affects around 743 million people worldwide, and the prevalence has improved 57.3 percent in 10 years. Globally, losses from reduced productivity due to severe periodontitis are estimated at 53.99 million US dollars per year.

The development of science about periodontal diseases related to pathogenesis, bacterial mapping, and understanding of the role of hosts in the pathogenesis of diseases and classification of periodontal diseases has been widely studied. The relationship between periodontal disease and systemic abnormalities has also been widely studied. However, despite the improving knowledge, the prevalence of periodontitis, especially in Indonesia, is still relatively high. The 2018 RISKESDAS data shows that the percentage of periodontitis cases in Indonesia is 74.1 percent.

The wider access to materials related to dental health due to technological developments, the better dissemination of dental and oral health information and the more critical patients on receiving every health information given by doctors. Therefore, it is necessary to have an explanation based on data and evidence, both in education and evaluation on patients’ care with periodontal abnormalities.

Periodontal chart and Periodontal Risk Assessment (PRA) are digital products that can be used to convince patients on the importance of periodontal treatment and provide an overview of patients’ care. Both of these assessment methods can provide an overview of periodontal abnormalities, and PRA can predict the potential of periodontal abnormalities by taking into account risk factors such as systemic factors and environmental factors.

Periodontal chart and PRA can be accessed easily and free of charge on the website provided by Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bern, Switzerland. To access the online periodontal chart, you can access the link and for PRA can be accessed via the link asp . All data can be accessed and stored as PDF files.

By comparing the results of the periodontal chart and the PRA, practitioners in the field of dental health can evaluate the development of their patients’ periodontal conditions. For patients, with a clear understanding of their periodontal condition, as well as an explanation of the possible impacts, it can be an additional motivation for patients to maintain the health of their oral cavity. The existence of periodontal chart and PRA data can be additional data in the patient’s medical record, and it can be a support if the patient’s medical record data is needed for legal and forensic processes. (*)

Author: I Komang Evan Wijaksana

The full article can be viewed on the page:

Wijaksana IKE. 2019. Periodontal Chart Dan Periodontal Risk Assessment Sebagai Bahan Evaluasi Dan Edukasi Pasien Dengan Penyakit Periodontal. Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi 6 (1): 19-25

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