Omega 3 – PUFA Maintain Cholesterol Stability and Liver Function

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Illustration of Omega 3. Source: Healthline

Some researchers of Universitas Airlangga developed a method of nutrition to maintain liver function and cholesterol stability. The research succeeded in making a feed formula containing omega-3 PUFA. This nutrient was tested on male etawah goat in the fattening phase. As a result, the goat’s appetite increased dramatically, but cholesterol, LDL, and HDL levels remained stable.

It supported the formation of muscles and increase productivity. This study is continued to find out its effect on meat quality. In the future researchers hope this method can reduce cholesterol and bad fat in goat meat. So, healthy goat meat can be produced and safe for consumption with sufficient amounts, without worrying about the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is widely found in fish oil, fish meat, beef, milk, eggs, corn oil, canola oil, nuts, avocados, and several other types of fruit. This fatty acid is needed by the body to maintain health because, in addition to being a source of energy, omega three can also enhance the body’s immunity to fight respiratory disease, reduce depression, and optimize children’s intelligence and growth, especially in the golden period. Therefore, almost all commercial dairy products and children’s health supplements add a lot of omega-3 as a nutritional balance for children during their growth period.

The use of omega-3 in humans is common. However, in the world of animal health, it is rarely studied in terms of its functions and mechanism of action. This is because the price of omega-3 sources is quite high as feed. Furthermore, competition for consumption with humans makes this material rarely glimpsed as supplementary food for livestock.

In 2017, the research team studied omega-three further to improve the quality of production and productivity. Animal feed formulas containing small concentrations of omega-3 was combined with lick block minerals. After some time doing research on etawa goats, there was very good progress on the growth of this livestock.

These results are deepened by analysis of liver function and blood biochemistry, which shows very good results. In addition to increased growth, the performance of the liver as a fatty acid filter looks optimal and stable. It proves that the feed is rich in omega as a growth supplement to maintain health, and it is safe for livestock consumption.

The quality of livestock meat is influenced by the quality of their feed. Etawa goats which are fed with omega-3 may produce healthier meat, rich in omega 3. The study to prove this hypothesis is continued today. Scientific collaboration between farmers and researchers will be able to produce large quantities of healthy and high-nutritious meat products to support the government’s national self-sufficiency program. (*)

Author: Herinda Pertiwi

Details of research available at:

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