UNAIR Ready to Support Development of East Java

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih delivers his opening remarks (Photo: M. Ali Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – As one of the most strategic provinces in Indonesia, East Java needs the role and support of universities, especially in carrying out various policy directions and steps for development.

Universitas Airlangga, as one of the best campuses in East Java, is also expected to have a greater share and role in driving development of the province with a population of more than 30 million. For this reason, UNAIR with various universities and East Java Provincial Government held a FGD on the East Java Province Development Program in 2019 with the Rectors’ Forum.

Being held in AMERTA Hall Campus C UNAIR, August 10, the event was opened by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih. In his opening remarks Prof. Nasih, expected such activity to be a step and one of the real breakthroughs for the university to participate in the development of East Java.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eko Supeno as Head of UNAIR Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), in his speech explained various potentials owned by state universities to solve strategic issues prepared by the East Java Provincial Government.

“PTN can be one of the bridges to resolve various issues, such as stunting, prevention of maternal and infant mortality, and various other health issues, “said Eko.

Furthermore, to support the success of development in East Java, Eko also emphasized that PTN could conduct various studies on natural potential and regional disparity in East Java, studies on regional disasters, to the arrangement of transport integration.

“With this hope, the index of happiness will become a source of development progress,” he said.

Representing the East Java Provincial Government, Wahid said that the activities of various provinces in Indonesia placed East Java as a province that has enormous economic activity. Although, he said, there is a lot of money circulation in Jakarta, but East Java has a very large economic activity.

“For example, the marine highway, of the many paths available, mostly are is in East Java,” he said.

Furthermore, he explained, East Java’s economic contribution reached 14.67% and when it is combined with the eastern Indonesian province which has a central activity in East Java, could be more than 34% more.

“It means that 1/3 more of Indonesia’s economic activities and central economy is in East Java,” he said.

Wahid also said that in development of East Java needs to look at regional conditions. The middle region is quite advanced and is being focused on developing a good megapolitan city area. Furthermore, the area of northern East Java with a medium economy is being arranged as a heavy industrial zone and the southern region which has good economic potential and infrastructure are focusing on development.

“And the last area that is left behind is Madura and the islands. The islands still need more infrastructure. It needs regional development scenario with different characters and conditions, “he said.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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