FKG Periodontics Specialist Program Ready for LAM PTKes Accreditation

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UNAIR NEWS – Improving the quality of higher education is expected from all educational institutions in Indonesia, one of them is the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Efforts made include re-accreditation of Periodontics. Re-accreditation conducted by LAM PTKes as an independent accreditation institution outside the government consisting of professional organizations and associations of educational institutions.

The activities carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 2-3, 2019 at Faculty of Dental Medicine were attended by assessors, including Yulianti Kemal, drg, Sp. Perio (K) from FKG University of Indonesia and Dr. drg. Haris Nasutianto, M.Kes., Sp.RKG from FKG Mahasaraswati University. There were also representatives of stakeholders from the University of Hang Tuah, RS Haji General, Brawijaya University, and Health Sciences Institute of Bhakti Wiyata Kediri.

Re-accreditation event was opened with the presentation of Periodontics by Head of Department and continued with visits to the hospital in collaboration with Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga, RS Haji General and Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) UNAIR.

In his remarks, Dr. Agung Krismariono, drg., M.Kes as Field Coordinator said that advice of the assessors and excellent support from faculty has a significant role for the success re-accreditation of programs implemented.

“Of course, the support of the faculty, as well as feedback from the assessors, play a role in the reaccreditation and program development in the future,” said Dr. Agung.

In the same activity, Professor of FKG UNAIR for Periodontics Prof. Dr. Chiquita Prahasanti, drg., Sp. Perio (K) hoped that after the accreditation event, Periodontics Specialist program would get an A.

“We hope that the Periodontics specialist program will get an A in this accreditation,” said Prof. Chiquita. (*)

Author: Faisal Dika Utama

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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