Thousands of People Joins Airlangga Fun Bike with Jember Regency Government

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Thousands of participants participated in Jember Sport Garden on Sunday morning, June 30. (Photo: Rudi Purnama)

UNAIR NEWS – Thousands of people in Jember Regency have packed Jember Sport Garden on Sunday morning, June 30. They brought together bicycles to take part in casual bikes or 2 notes & were initiated by UNAIR Alumni Association (IKA) in Jember with Government of Jember Regency.

Airlangga Fun Bike were attended by 500 UNAIR alumni in Jember, around 4000 people, and of course several officials from UNAIR and Jember Regency Government. This time, it was held as a series of Pancasila commemoration. In addition to strengthening the long-established relation between IKA UNAIR and Jember Regency Government.

The event was attended by the Regent of Jember, dr. Hj. Faida, MMR who is an alumnus of UNAIR Faculty of Medicine who graduated in 1994. She is the first woman to serve as regent in Jember Regency.

“This event is a form of the synergy of IKA Jember’s devotion to the nation. I feel a great sense of enthusiasm, ” Faida said. “Alhamdulillah, I was given the opportunity to study at UNAIR which is characterized by excellence with morality,” he added.  

Meanwhile, Head of the program’s organizer Dr. I Nyoman Semita SpOT (K) Spine who is also a UNAIR alumnus said the activity is a series of national activities of IKA Center. Besides that, it was also the commeration of Pancasila Day on 1 June. “On our chest we have Garuda, we serve for Airlangga,” he said.

As a form of appreciation for a great activity that was attended by UNAIR alumni and the surrounding community, there was a series of other events that manifested community service. Among other things, planting a thousand trees, blood donors, exhibiting UMKM products (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises), and entertainment to enliven the event. The morning activity echoed with the jargon of “Rukun sak lawase, dulur saklawase”.

The excitement of the event was closed by giving door prize. One of them is a 30/60 type house unit located in Gading Park Housing, one Umrah package, six 32 inc LCD TV units, ten mountain bikes, four one-door refrigerators, and many other interesting gifts.

The event is highlight of the series events of Pancasila and the 47th Anniversary of IKA. This time the theme was “We Are Indonesia, We Are Pancasila”.

Some UNAIR leaders who participated in the contest included UNAIR Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, PhD, Head of Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK) Dr. Elly Munadziroh, drg., MS, and Secretary of PPKK Lastiko Endi Rahmantyo, M. Hum. (*)

UNAIR Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, Ph.D joined Airlangga Fun Bike in Jember Sport Garden on Sunday morning, June 30. (Photo: Rudi Purnama)

Author: Hedy Diah Syahputri

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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