Three FST UNAIR Students Make Tsunami Detection Innovation

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UNAIR NEWS – Indonesia’s geographical condition, located at the confluence of three plates, makes Indonesia very prone to earthquakes. Moreover, as one of the major maritime countries, Indonesia also a high risk of a tsunami due to an earthquake.

Since 2004, there have been seven tsunami disasters in Indonesia. The tsunami disasters have killed thousands.

In the current era of globalization, technology is needed in supporting life. The early warning system technology is necessary for initial mitigation steps, including to avoid the massive casualties.

Based on data from BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency 2018), there are 22 tsunami detection devices in Indonesia. However, they have not been functional since 2012 because they are expensive with high costs for maintenance and operation.

Following up this issue, Faculty of Science and Technology students, Muhammad Fajar Faliasthiunus Pradipta (Physics 2017); Muhamad Rizaldi Bin Nuryasin (Physics 2017); and Virgilius Rivan Seran (Physics 2015); made an innovation in the form of early tsunami detection technology based on ultrasonic sensors that detect changes in surface waves of sea.

Under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Soegianto Soelistiono, M.Si., FST UNAIR lecturer, student creativity was outlined in the proposal of Student Creativity Program – Invention category (PKM-KC) for 2019 under the title “SAVETOR (Tsunami Wave Detector): Tsunami Detector Based on Sea Wave Changes.” They are grateful that the proposal passed Dikti selection. Therefore, their team received research funding from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in PKM program 2019.

Savetor’s working principle is to detect sea waves using an ultrasonic sensor connected to the Arduino microcontroller, which later the tools will be installed on the coast.

Low tide waves generally require 7 hours of normal time to a depth of 2 meters. If under these circumstances, the receding time is less than 15 minutes, it is an initial sign of a tsunami. At that time, the ultrasonic sensor on the device will give a tsunami warning in the form of a tsunami warning signal to the population.

“We are trying to use one of the characteristics of the tsunami, the changes of sea waves, as a tsunami early warning tool,” said Muh. Fajar, team leader.

The technology is deemed appropriate to be applied in Indonesia because the application and maintenance are easy. The innovation is relatively inexpensive and low cost.

The device is expected to provide an accurate tsunami early warning system. Especially can minimize casualties due to the tsunami.

“At this time, this innovation is very appropriate to be applied. In line with the government’s efforts in disaster mitigation and minimizing casualties arising from the tsunami disasters. Moreover, compared to other technologies, “said Muh. Fajar.

“Hopefully this innovative device can be used well by the community,” he stated. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea C.

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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