PSDKU Accounting Academicians Close Ramadan Events with Prayers

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Ustaz Makmuri delivers a sermon at the closing of HMA PSDKU Ramadhan activities. (Photo: By courtesy)
Ustaz Makmuri delivers a sermon at the closing of HMA PSDKU Ramadhan activities. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The holy Ramadhan is full of blessings and rewards for Muslims as any worship activities performed will be rewarded more than usual. Ramadan is also the right moment to repent and make a wish. For this reason, the Department of Public Relations of Social Division held Aksi Ramadan program, which was closed with a prayer activity accounting academicians of Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi.

Ratika Eka Putri Septiana as the chief of executive said that Ramadan Action was packed into three activities, a charity event to an orphanage continued with the distribution of takjil in one of the central points of Banyuwangi, Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids in Banyuwangi Regency, and iftar gathering with accounting academicians. She also explained that the closing ceremony was opened with a sermon then followed with a prayer. They wished for successful studies and exams they face ahead.

“There was also a turmeric rice ceremonial to express gratitude for movement longevity of PSDKU UNAIR Accounting Student Association (HMA) in Banyuwangi, iftar and pray Maghrib and tarawih prayer together,” she explained.

According to Ratika, the activity was a medium for PSDKU accounting students to share their joy in Ramadan. It was in line with the theme carried out, Reaping Blessings in Beautiful Ramadan. She said that the enthusiasm of accounting students was quite high as each class sent their level commander. The committee also invited previous period HMA cabinet as well as the supervisor of Accounting Students Association in 2018 and 2019.

“With this activity, we hope that we can improve the spiritual spirit in worshiping and sharing usefulness to others and strengthening ties among PSDKU accounting students,” said the second-semester student.

Author: Sulistyo Primadani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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