UNAIR NEWS – In line with efforts to improve skills and guide people in the field of business, Universitas Airlangga Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (PPKK) and Indonesian Creative Millennial Community (ICMC) held a talk show entitled “Condition and Projection of UMKM in Industrial Revolution 4.0” and Business Product Photography Workshop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM). The event was held at Soetandyo Hall of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UNAIR on Saturday, May 18.
The activity aims to strengthen the interconnectivity among cross-stakeholders in the development of UMKM. Not only PPKK UNAIR, but ICMC also collaborates with several other parties. Namely, e-UKM Surabaya and RPX One Stop Logistics.
The speakers came from practitioners and academics. Among them, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Si as PPKK UNAIR entrepreneurship coordinator; Ir. Firman Asyari, founder of Batik Teyeng; Nadyah Silma, owner of ScrapSby. Including Head of Surabaya Regional National Craft Council, Dra. Nanis Chairani, MM.
Furthermore, Photography Workshop material was filled by Kik’s Visual. Namely, practitioners who are experienced in photographers, illustrators, and video creators.
In delivering the material, the speakers focused on the condition and projection of UMKM in the midst of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Sc, explained from an academics point of view. She conveyed the importance of adaptation, knowledge, and commitment to entrepreneurship development amid the 4.0 industrial revolution.
As one of the participants who just started a business, Wynda claimed to get a lot of new insights from the event. “I got a lot of new insights through sharing experiences from the speakers. Besides that, I learned entrepreneurial strategies in the 4.0 industrial revolution from the entrepreneur’s point of view, “said the owner Hasanda Hijab.
According to her, this kind of activity is very important to be held. In addition, to increase the relations of fellow entrepreneurs, both from students and UMKM can maintain the motivation of business people to grow.
“Especially learning from successful entrepreneurs. It could be an encouragement for us in improving our entrepreneurship skills, “concluded Wynda.
Through its founder, ICMC explained its commitment to strengthening the network between UMKM, government, private sector and academics.
“ICMC is ready to the bridge for all of the stakeholders. Through one proactive, a collaborative and innovative forum in the form of UMKM Association, “said Novrizal Arifin as ICMC founder.
“In the future ICMC will continue to promote this kind of forum and maintain the synergy with all of stakeholders,” he added. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i