FKH PSDKU Banyuwangi Holds Social Service at School for Disabled Students

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CARE: The routine social service agenda of FKH PSDKU Banyuwangi at Junior High School for Disabled Students (SMPLB) Banyuwangi.
CARE: The routine social service agenda of FKH PSDKU Banyuwangi at Junior High School for Disabled Students (SMPLB) Banyuwangi. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, held a social service event at Junior High School for Disabled Students (SMPLB) Banyuwangi. The social service activity carried out last week was a regular activity of FKH PSDKU in each semester.

Nadia Marva Triana as Chair of PSDKU Banyuwangi Veterinary Medicine Student Association explained to UNAIR NEWS that this year was its fifth year.

“The executive committee this year will come from class 2018. Those who become committee members are known as Mesophoyx ,” she explained.

Nadia also said that students have more duties besides studying in universities. Students, she added, must not turn a blind eye to the difficulties around them.

“The role that can be taken by students is by holding social services like this,” she said.

The social service carried out at SMPLB Banyuwangi was an effort to build kinship with the institution which has 50 students with special needs and 20 of them are in its dorm. Many parties have not yet realized that students at SMPLB Banyuwangi need supports for their daily needs.

“So far, the daily needs have only been obtained from some non-permanent donors and teachers who serve there,” she said.

Furthermore, Nadia explained, the social service event was a manifestation of humanity that could strengthen the relationship between the students of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi and SMPLB Banyuwangi. For this reason, while waiting for breaking the fast, various performances from SMPLB Banyuwangi students were able to get attention of invited guests.

“Some sang, played musical instruments and so on. With all the limitations they have, it does not stop their enthusiasm to perform and entertain, ” she explained.

Furthermore, there was also a casual discussion between students. The students share their experiences while attending school in SMPLB Banyuwangi and their daily lives in Ramadan. Before breaking the fast, the social service team also handed over the aid to the school principal in form of basic food and daily necessities for SMPLB Banyuwangi students. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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