UNAIRNEWS – Writing is related to students particularly for daily assignments, essay competition mini-thesis and many more. The writing is based on scientific theory and scientific references accompanied by realistic thinking and logic. It might become a problem for students. Especially, for new students who are not familiar with the world of scientific writing.
In response to this problem, Faculty of Nursing (UNAIR) Department of Science of BEM Universitas Airlangga held a mini-seminar titled Writing Class 2019 on Thursday, May 2. There were FKp students from the 2016, 2017, and 2018 classes. Through this activity, students are expected to participate in writing competitions, such as Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) and Student Creativity Program (PKM), and preparing FKp students to win PIMNAS in the coming year.
” I hope to be able to enlighten the hearts of students to move to write. In this sense, it is not just writing college assignments but also writing for personal achievements. So that it can not only be self-branding but also branding the name of faculties and even universities, “said Meirina as the person in charge of the event.
Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono H., M.Kes., Drh. as the person in charge of PKM UNAIR and reviewer of PKM DIKTI presented PKM proposal writing material. He explained the procedures for writing PKM, starting from the title to the closing part. In addition, students are required to be more careful in writing PKM proposals.
In the socialization, Dr. Bimo explained the systematics of PKM proposals, and it must be in accordance with the scheme of each field. “Hopefully, after participating in Writing Class activities, each participant will be able to prepare a PKM proposal and administrative selection,” he added. (*)
Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia