Reducing Public Intention to Seek Medical Treatment Abroad, RSUA Preparing International Accreditation

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Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD., K-PTI. FINASIM during a presentation in front of surveyors and all medical staff of RSUA. (Photo: Binti Q. Masruroh)

UNAIR NEWS – A total of eight surveyors from the accreditation institute of National Hospital Accreditation Standard (SNARS) came to Teaching Hospital of Universitas Airlangga (RSUA) on Tuesday, May 14. The opening of SNARS accreditation survey was attended by UNAIR and RSUA leaders, surveyors, and medical staff at RSUA.

For four days starting today until May 18, the surveyors will conduct an international accreditation assessment that has been submitted by RSUA.

Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD., K-PTI FINASIM said that currently, RSUA is trying to adjust UNAIR’s vision and mission. Namely, it can become an international standard hospital in terms of service, education, and research.

As a director, currently he encouraging RSUA to continue to develop its facility. Hopefully, Indonesian people will seek medical treatment domestically instead of going abroad.

“Everyone should seek medical treatment in Indonesia. Besides providing a good service. It is also cheaper and more efficient, “explained Prof. Nasron.

Regarding international accreditation, Prof. Nasron entrusted Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) as an accreditation body because people who seek treatment are mostly from Indonesia.

The results of this accreditation will be announced one week after the survey conducted. Prof. Nasron said it would encourage us to achieve national and global tourism. It means that foreign people who visit Indonesia are more than 2.5 million in one year and they will go to RSUA if they need health services.

Moreover, Prof. Nasron said that RSUA will keep changing and improving its facility. He did not have many obstacles because he was supported by young creative and innovative medical staff. Also, UNAIR leaders also fully support the development of RSUA.

“There has been a positive synergy between the leader, supervisory board, managers, head of the division and all of the staff to realize the mission and jointly responsible for implementing this hospital management,” he explained.

In 2019, there were 1500-1600 patients in RSUA. This number is quite high considering that RSUA is still relatively new. Although not providing services on Sunday but there will be an upcoming policy for this.

“In the future, we will open on Sunday for the greater benefit of the hospital to community, “said Prof. Nasron.

“We hope that UNAIR Hospital will pass this international accreditation. “If you graduate, you will be the first PTN Hospital in Indonesia with international accreditation,” he added. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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