The Meanings of Ramadan for Head of UKMKI UNAIR

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UNAIR NEWS – Entering the holy month of Ramadan which started on Monday, May 5, there are various ways to celebrate it. Starting from graveside ritual, mengenan tradition, posting Ramadan quotes on social media.

Welcoming the blessed month, UNAIR NEWS interviewed Diki Febrianto as Head of Islamic Spiritual Activity Unit (UKMKI) Universitas Airlangga regarding Ramadan in the perspective of students. Located at Nurruzzaman Mosque, here are the explanation of the student from Sampang, Madura.

According to Diki, the month of Ramadan is a month overflowing with Divine prosperity, mercy, forgiveness, an opportunity to do good deeds and to gain rewards multiplied to compensate for our mistakes and shortcomings throughout the year. So, it becomes a Tarhib culture (welcoming) for Muslims to give each other good news.

There are various ways of welcoming the month of Ramadan and one of them is science. Sometimes, there are some people who feel unhappy entering the month of Ramadan because they consider Ramadan is a routine agenda that carried out every year.

Through knowledge, humans can get the primacy of fasting by understanding the meaning of holding back anger, lust, thirst and hunger, and all kinds of trials and temptations.

“With our knowledge, we will not waste the month of Ramadan. There are huge rewards, and it can be obtained using knowledge, “said historical student.

The second is Muhasabah (self-evaluation). Humans express Ramadan as a moment of worshipfully to God, but we forget to do self-reflection and apologize to fellow human beings.

” We need to forgive and apologize to a fellow human being then God will give blessings to us,” he said.

Diki said sunnah practice in the month of Ramadan rewarded with a compulsory reward, even doubled as mentioned in Al-Hadith.

In addition, he said that seven practices carried out by the Prophet every day included tahajjud prayers, dhuha prayers, reciting Quran, almsgiving, prayers rawatib, fasting, and recitation.

Furthermore, Diki hopes Ramadan is not only for an opportunity for humans to draw closer. During this Ramadan, UKMKI is an Islamic organization in UNAIR that has various activities. This can be seen in Nuruzzaman Mosque through Ramadan Mubarak Airlangga (RMA) committee.

“We facilitate tailjil, and we also ensure Islamic activities in each faculty,” he concluded. (*

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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