Sharpening Literacy Ability Through PELITA Batch-1

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Agung Hari Baskoro is one Suara Surabaya journalist when giving the material in front of participants in PELITA Batch-1 activities. (Photo: Dhea Meidiana)

UNAIR NEWS – It is not hard for people to access information from one media to another. Journalistic plays an important role in delivering news or information to the general public. Thus, the news should be purely factual and actual.

The explanation was conveyed by Sumber Nurhadi as Head of Batch-1 Literacy Training (PELITA) on Thursday, May 9 in the third floor of Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Campus B, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).

There were 75 selected students in PELITA Batch-1 activity. The students who attended the event were UNAIR students of Bachelor and diploma degrees. The selection criteria are according to student motivation of joining the event. In addition, the survey uses to determine the theme of PELITA Batch-1.

“BEM UNAIR wants to develop and improve literacy culture among UNAIR students, especially in terms of writing. Why do we focus on writing? Because from year to year, people are lazy to write,” said Sumber.

Moreover, Sumber said that BEM UNAIR facilitated and assisted students in sharpening and developing literacy skills through PELITA Batch-1. Thus, students were able to actualize themselves in competition, both in national and international scale.

PELITA was held by the Ministry of Science of Student Executive Body (BEM) UNAIR and collaborated with FEB UNAIR. He stated that the implementation of PELITA at FEB was based on most faculty respondents after a survey about the importance of literacy for students.

“PELITA is a forum to develop interest and talent in terms of literacy and focused on writing activities for UNAIR student,” said Sumber.

He said PELITA will be held periodically for three times in one year of management. For the time, added Sumber, starting from May to August.

Through PELITA Batch-1 activity, Sumber hopes that students can apply all the knowledge that given during training in real life. Thus, students are expected to develop writing skills.

Moreover, it would be better if the writing ability continuously honed through the activities of Student Press Institutions (LPM) at faculty and university.

“Keep the spirit in doing something. Especially in terms of writing, “said Sumber for all UNAIR students. He also quoted Ali bin Abi Talib R.A quotes.

“Tie science by writing,” he said. (*)

Author: Dhea Meidiana

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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