Nadin Amizah Enliven VCom Closing Party

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UNAIR NEWS – There is something different about Closing Party Violet Competition (VCom) this year. The event was held by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR presented a solo singer, Nadin Amizah as guest star to enliven the closing events of VCom on Friday, May 3 at Campus C UNAIR Hall.

The closing program is a series of 11th VCom agenda as the biggest sport copetition in East Java. “Every year, there is always a closing party but this year we only invited singer as our guest star.” said Ica as the chief executive.

“In previous years, we invited famous basketball players to show exhibition games.” he added. In the event, Nadin performed seven songs. The song were Little Bird, Teralih, Sorai, Rumpang, and Star.

Besides, the event opened with highschool basketball final performance as well basketball final match between faculties. Then, it was continued with the appearance of PH Dance Crew from FKM.

In addition, there was an exhibition game performance, which is a basketball match from one of the players of each team that has fallen before the final. Only then was the awarding event and Nadin Amizah’s appearance at the end of the event.

We were worried that the audiences might not enjoy the show but it turned out the audience exceeded the expectation. One of the organizers said the audience’s antusism was enough to be remembered. Besides, there were around 600 people attending Vcom closing ceremony.

The event which was attended by Dean of FKM and its staff as well as representatives of BEM in each faculty was successful even though there were several obstacles in its implementation. “There was a  problem, but thank God everything was resolved”, she said.

In the future, Ica as the chief executive hopes  VCom will be known by public, not just in Surabaya but also across East Java. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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