UNAIR NEWS – After departing from Sapeken Island and Pagerungan Besar, Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital ship (RSTKA) held health service activities on Masalembu Island, April 12-15. The activity, Bhakti Ksatria Airlangga Madura Islands is a collaboration between RSTKA Universitas Airlangga and East Java Provincial Health Office in 99-day work period of East Java governor.
“In this social mission, RSTKA involved several medical and non-medical personnel. There were general practitioners, specialist doctors, nurses, midwifery, pharmacists, and students, ” said Dr. Dwi Rani R. Pratiwi, SpB, during debriefing in UNAIR Campus A Meeting Room on April 10.
“There were specialist in surgery, teeth, internal medicine, children, otolaryngology, obesity, plastic surgery, anesthesia and eyes.” added the doctor who was often called Wiwin.
During preparation, Dr. Wiwin and the team worried because there was no eye specialist at that time. Moreover, the health problems in Masalembu were mostly eye diseases, namely cataracts.
“Thank God, we got help from Sumenep Hospital with several ophthalmologist.” he said.
Meanwhile, Director of RSTKA, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, SpB stated the mission was carried out to help people in Masalembu who needed health services.
“Because mostly patients can’t go to city hospital. Thus, we pick them up and provide them with health service.” said Dr. Agus
In addition, RSTKA ships have a length of 27 meters with a width of 7.2 meters. Equipped with complete facilities like hospitals in general. There were three operating rooms, medicine rooms, recovery rooms, bathrooms, as well as rooms for subordinate crew (ABK).
Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i