With KARTU Surabaya, Master in Management Students Learn Sign Language

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UNAIR NEWS – Language is always needed by every human being to communicate with each other. Language is the ability to communicate with other humans using signs, such as words and movements.

Sign language is a language that prioritizes visual communication, body language, and lip movements, other than sounds. Sign language is commonly used by deaf people to communicate. However, not all can understand sign language easily.

Master of Management (MM) students from 51st batch afternoon class at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) with Komunitas Arek Tuli Surabaya (KARTU Surabaya) and Karya Mulya Surabaya Special Needs School (SLB) for the Deaf  held “Linking Heart with Sign Language” workshop in Supoyo Hall Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The activity aims to teach them to communicate with the deaf.

According to Moch. Ardhan Fadhlan as the chief executive, the activity was initiated by MM batch 51 students as a social activity. The activity was held for public, not just for students.

“This activity is actually the initiation of MM classmates of class 51 as social events,” Ardhan said.

The event is expected to provide benefits so that in the future they can communicate with friends with disabilities, especially the deaf. There are 2 percent of people with disabilities taking part in professional world.

Not only a workshop on learning sign language, there was also a dance performance from Karya Mulya SLB and games with the deaf from KARTU Surabaya. Ardhan continued, this activity was expected to understand a little, but also be able to respond to deaf friends.

For Ardhan, it becomes very important that between normal people and Deaf friends can help each other. Especially when they need help. Including minimizing misunderstanding.

“In essence, I want to study with my deaf friends. At least I can understand them, “Ardhan said. (*)


Author: Asthesia Dhea C.

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