Pencak Silat UNAIR Wins Medals at Bali National Championship

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UNAIR NEWS – The Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Pencak Silat Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has added its list of achievements. In 2019 Ganesha Open National Championship held on Wednesday-Sunday, April 24-28 2019, the delegation Pencak Silat UNAIR managed to bring home two bronze medals and one silver medal.

Alhamdulillah, yesterday pencak silat UNAIR won two bronzes and one silver during the national tournament in Bali,” said Vendrika, a contingent of pencak silat UNAIR.

The three achievements were won by Nailatul Muizah from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) for the third place women’s adult B class; Ahmad Muhajirin from the Faculty of Vocational Studies  (FV) for the third place in men’s adult E class; and Vendrika Annahldi from Faculty of Vocational Studies  (FV) won second place in male adult class A.
The victory succeeded in adding to the long list of achievements of UNAIR Pencak Silat UKM. Because, almost every month, Pencak Silat UNAIR makes achievements, both nationally and internationally.

At the National Championship, UKM Pencak Silat UNAIR sent eight athletes, Muhammad Vendrika Annahldi (FV), Fuad Agus Salim (FST), Gusti Abdus Salam (FV), Ardhiyeni Hesti Oktavia (FKP), Ahmad Muhajirin (FV), Celine (FEB), Nailatul Muizah (FKH), and Abi Prayodi (FISIP).

All of the athletes were selected through the selection of each pencak silat UKM in UNAIR such as Tapak Suci, Pagar Nusa, Persatuan Setia Hati Teratai, Perisai Diri, and Merpati Putih.

The 2019 Ganesha Open National Championship held at Undiksha Sports Hall was attended by many national athletes came from various regions in Indonesia. In fact, Puslatda (Regional Training Center) Bali also participated in the competition.

“Last tournament was quite fierce, but we were getting excited when we found out that Puslatda Bali also competed,” said Vendrika.

He also added that the key to his first success was his mental preparation before competing. “If we are not prepared mentally, our training will be in vain in the arena, so don’t let ourselves down,” he concluded. (*)


Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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